Ok, it’s not quite as exciting as the title sounds. I took my daughter to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio today. Had a nice time. Unlike a lot of museums, there’s really an opportunity for some interesting photos in this place. Took my little GX1 and some fast lenses, but the Olympus 12mm f/2 stayed on the camera most of the time. Some interesting things to see, such as the B-29 bomber “Bockscar”, which dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and ended WWII. The command module from Apollo 15 is also on display.
It’s really neat being able to get this close to some very historical items, but the museum is set up in a way that makes for some dynamic shots. We were only there for a few hours, but I think I got a few interesting shots. Enjoy!

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