Got the Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f/2.8 Macro yesterday, and while I haven’t had a ton of time to shoot yet, I thought I’d give you my first impressions.
First off, it’s a very skinny lens. Same length as the 12-50 kit zoom, but skinnier. It’s also heavier than the kit lens, so it feels a little dense. Build quality is excellent and the manual focus ring feels outstanding (though fine turning through the macro range can take a LOT of turns).
As expected for a macro lens, the lens is very sharp. Lateral chromatic aberration (CA) appears to be non-existant and even longitudinal CA (LoCA) is very well controlled. LoCA is not 100% absent, but it’s very, very minimal, and only visible as a subtle tint on something like black text on a white background. In specular highlights there is zero CA to be seen.
I’m not sure yet if it’s quite as sharp as the 75/1.8 at medium distances (but if it isn’t, it’s darn close) and at infinity, there may be a little bit of field curvature (have to test more, but it’s non existent from 2m and closer). That said, it’s still very sharp corner to corner, and close up it’s just brilliant. I keep waiting for Olympus to release a dud, but they’ve put out some incredible optics the past two years, and this appears to be another excellent lens. My full review will be coming in the next week or two.
Click on any image to see it larger.
EDIT: I have added some additional samples since this preview was first posted.
Some early samples:

Additional Samples from the 26th of September:

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