It has been an insane few weeks. Working on my house in the evenings and work during the day, I’ve had very little time to shoot or write. I just wanted to post a few thoughts real quick on the Fuji 60mm f/2.4. I got the 60mm f/2.4 after sending back my 18-55, which had some issues. My second copy of the 18-55 was even worse, so I cut my losses and had them send the 60mm instead.
What a great choice. The 60mm f/2.4, while not exactly a speed demon in the autofocus department, is brilliantly sharp and has gorgeous bokeh. I really love the look from this lens. I haven’t had a ton of time to shoot, but here are a few images from the past week. I hope to have a few new articles up in the next week or so, but it’s going to continue to be busy for the next few weeks. I’ve got a backlog of stuff to write about, though, so lots more to come!
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