So we’ve reached the end. Again, I apologize for the huge delay in getting this review out, and for the general lack of updates on the site as a whole. It’s been a crazy last year, with limited time to shoot and write, and while I hope things are able to pick up soon, i can’t promise anything. So, on to the conclusion:
The A9 is a unique camera in the mirrorless space. While it’s certainly a full featured, well constructed camera that can be very useful for a wide variety of shooting, there are more affordable options that do most everything the A9 does. However, for sports or event shooting, the A9 is the best there is in the mirrorless world, and the first mirrorless camera I’ve tested that truly has world-class autofocus.
The camera has blazing fast and extremely accurate autofocus, is super responsive and has a crazy fast 20 frame per second burst rate that is also completely silent. It allows for shots that really weren’t possible before now with its combination of speed and silence. The $4,500 is very steep, but professionals who need exceptional AF and great responsiveness should be well pleased with the A9. For those with more deliberate photography needs, the A7R II or A7 II would be more appropriate.
Image Samples
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