The Night Storm Approaches

I had to work late last night, and on the way home, I stopped downtown for a few minutes for some night shots with the Olympus 75mm f/1.8.  I wasn’t really planning anything special, and as I turned to head back to the car, I noticed that in the otherwise clear night, clouds were gathering just above the horizon.  The moon was placed nicely above them, and I started taking a few pictures of the clouds and the moon, when I noticed a subtle pink flash in the clouds….this was an approaching storm.  I framed up a good shot in my viewfinder, steadied myself (it was night, afterall, and even with the great in-body stabilization of the OM-D, I needed to be steady at these shutter speeds).  Since I didn’t have my tripod with me, nor a lightning trigger, I basically had two options to get the shot I wanted: Get Lucky, or be fast for an extended group of flashes.  Well, I wasn’t lucky in guessing when the lightning would flash, but I was quick enough on exactly one capture, where the lightning flashed several times in quick succession, which yielded the shot I was going for, which is pictured below.  Patience was rewarded!

The Night Storm Approaches – Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Olympus 75mm f/1.8 @ f/1.8, 1/12 sec, ISO 400


One response to “The Night Storm Approaches”

  1. Mark Kinsman Avatar

    Great shot Jordan! I’m tempted to get this lens too!

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