Welcome to my new project…

I’m Jordan Steele. Welcome to Admiring Light.  This is a new thing for me, and I’m going to try and make it an entertaining and informative adventure.  My main gallery is located at http://www.jordansteele.com, but I will be posting any new photos here as they are created, so everything, even random shots that don’t make it into the main gallery will likely appear here first.

I also will be writing photography reviews.  Gear, software, books, accessories.  I hope to cover a good bit of things as I get rolling.  I plan on taking a practical approach to my reviews.  I will not be shooting test charts and empirically measuring lens resolution.  My reviews will focus on how a piece of gear or software actually operates in the real world, with image samples and thoughts.  There may be occasional pixel peeping or comparison shots, but the gist will be how things work in real life.

For the time being, you may see wild swings in site layout and such as I get a feel for WordPress and its customization options.  For now, http://www.jsteelephotos.com or http://www.admiringlight.com will be your main sources to access the blog, while http://www.jordansteele.com will remain the location for my permanent gallery.

Glad to have you visit!  Come back soon for more content!



2 responses to “Welcome to my new project…”

  1. Harry Avatar


    Excellent blog. I like your focus on real world usage and share many of your thoughts

    go one with this place ..

  2. OGriffey Avatar

    I have only now found your blog and I love it. Your choice of subjects chimes with my own interests and you have addressed issues that I have long wondered about. I also greatly enjoy your photography.
    I shall certainly return to your blog.

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