I haven’t forgotten about the site, I promise! I’ve been swamped at work and home doing all sorts of things and have had very, very little time to shoot or do anything photography related. That said, I am working on a few things.
I have received a Panasonic 12-35mm f/2.8 from LensRentals.com to run through the gauntlet. I’ll be using the lens heavily over the next few days and will be publishing a full review here in the next week or so. Early hints? It’s pretty darn good….but it’s got a few little quirks. Beautifully built, sharp and good bokeh.
Next, I’m working on a State of the Mirrorless Industry article. We’ve come a long way in the last 6 months and the landscape is changing rapidly. I firmly believe that this segment will see the most innovation and change over the next 5 years, so it’s something to watch out for.
And, depending on when it finally shows up in the US, I should have a review of the new Olympus 75mm f/1.8 coming in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!
Here’s one quick test shot from the Panasonic 12-35mm f/2.8, at 35mm and f/2.8:
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