A Visit to the Senate

Today I stopped by the Ohio Statehouse to take some pictures again.  It’s been so hot lately that the thought of outdoor photography is frankly just unbearable, so I thought I’d swing by the statehouse again to see if I could get anything new.   I’ve limited myself to the rotunda in the past, which has gotten a bit stale, so today I looked for some different images.  I went upstairs and since the Ohio Senate is out of session, I was able to go into the senate chambers for some pictures.  It’s a nice little room they’ve got there.  My favorite shot of the day is in the large staircase that contains a glass elevator on the opposite side.  Came out better than I hoped.  Enjoy!

Staircase Lines – Ohio Statehouse – Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Olympus 12mm f/2
Ohio Senate Chambers – Ohio Statehouse – Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Olympus 12mm f/2
Ohio Statehouse – Rotunda Seal – Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Panasonic 45-175mm f/4-5.6 X
Elevator – Ohio Statehouse – Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Olympus 12mm f/2
Senate Chamber – Ohio Statehouse – Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Olympus 12mm f/2


3 responses to “A Visit to the Senate”

  1. Wolfgang Lonien Avatar

    Wow. Awesome photos Jordan. Thanks for sharing…

  2. Thomas Hill Avatar
    Thomas Hill

    I absolutely Love ‘Staircase Lines’. Perfect use of the Dynamic Tone filter (at least I’m guessing that it was used here).

  3.  Avatar

    Nice, I wish when i went I took more pics!

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