New Mexico Travel Diary – Part 3

This is Part 3 of my New Mexico travel diary – check out Part 1 and Part 2.

Day 4: Santa Fe

Oldest House in the USA, Santa Fe, NM – Panasonic GH2 with Leica 25mm f/1.4

I took a quick trip up to Santa Fe to check out their old town after work.  It’s a quick drive from Albuquerque, especially given the 75 MPH speed limit the whole way.  I got into Santa Fe around 5, and it’s got a really beautiful old town.  It almost feels like a Disney theme park or something.  It’s so cohesive it’s almost a bit ‘off’ if that makes sense.  I had a nice calzone at a local restaurant and went out to shoot.  The light was pretty good at this time of day, but for some reason, EVERYTHING was closed.  We’re talking 5:30 PM here.  San Miguel Mission?  Closed.  The Loretto Chapel with it’s awesome staircase that is my idea of a perfect architectural photographic subject?  Closed.  Cathedral?  Closed.  The claimed oldest house in the United States (built 1646)?  Closed.  (though I got a good shot of the outside, seen to the left).  The Plaza?  Underwhelming.

Honestly, from a photographic standpoint I was supremely disappointed.  Had I been able to go inside the Loretto Chapel or San Miguel, I might have felt differently, but I left pretty bummed.  I did get some passable photos out of the trip, but nothing spectacular.  It’s really a shame that everything in New Mexico seems to close in the mid afternoon.  All the cool Pueblo sites close between 3:30 and 4:30.  Even Petroglyph National Monument closes at 5.  It’s really bizarre, frankly.  It’s more restrictive to shoot here than in Europe it seems.

Anyway, as a place to visit it seemed really nice.  Great atmosphere, lots of local craftsmen, shops and restaurants.  Well, enjoy the photos.

Loretto Chapel, Santa Fe, NM – Panasonic GH2 with Olympus 12mm f/2
Bent Light, Santa Fe, NM – Panasonic GX1 with Olympus 45mm f/1.8
San Miguel Mission, Santa Fe, NM – Panasonic GH2 with Olympus 12mm f/2


3 responses to “New Mexico Travel Diary – Part 3”

  1. […] Fe today…had a disappointing trip, actually…almost everything was closed (read about it here: New Mexico Travel Diary – Part 3 @ Admiring Light ) Got a few OK photos, but nothing super amazing. Oldest House in the US: GH2 with Leica 25/1.4: […]

  2. Charles Avatar

    Enjoyed parts 1 and 2. Perhaps you’ll luck out and have to travel to disney world on business next time.

  3. Dave Millier Avatar


    The trip was worth it for that “bent light” shot alone. I appreciate it is hardly a location shot but as a piece of graphic photographic art, it’s portfolio grade. You may have been disappointed overall, but who cares, you bagged the shot!


    I’d be tempted to do a version with a hint of “gold” toning, just to support the sense of bright and warm light. Worth a try?


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