My full review of the 75mm f/1.8 is now up. Head over there to take a look!
The Olympus 75mm f/1.8 arrived into the Admiring Light studios (i.e, my hands) yesterday. Took it for a short test spin, and it is quite the impressive optic, so far. It’s not perfect, but it’s darn, darn good. The lens is well built and feels great in the hand, and autofocus is very fast. I was even able to use C-AF to pretty good effect with this lens. Bokeh is nice and the images are quite sharp. I’ll be posting my full in-depth review in the coming week or two.
You can check out my reviews of other Olympus prime lenses for Micro 4/3…the excellent 12mm f/2 and 45mm f/1.8.
Here are a few quick samples:

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