Getting time to shoot…
Well, despite being crazy busy at work, I actually found some time to shoot yesterday. The first shot, to the left (click to enlarge) was a shot I’ve been meaning to take for months. I drive past it every week on a way to a meeting. It’s just off the highway. Yesterday, I finally remembered to slow down and pull off the road and grab a few shots. This shot was taken out my passenger window from the car. 30 second stop, and an image I’ve wanted for a while (if only I could be there at sunrise).
Second, I shot for a bit downtown again last night. I was at work until late, so when I left the office, it was twilight, so I stopped for a bit to take some shots before heading home. I’m continuing to be impressed by the ability to shoot night shots at relatively low ISO due to the excellent in-body IS available on the E-M5. I was able to stick to ISO 800 or below for every shot, using ISO 400 and ISO 200 a fair bit as well. Handled it without a hitch, with almost every shot coming out tack sharp. Every shot below was taken handheld. The first shot was taken in JPEG mode using the “soft focus” art filter, and is straight out of camera.

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