Review: Fujifilm XF10



  • Very compact body that easily fits in a jacket pocket
  • Controls are well laid out and easily accessible
  • Focus joystick is a great addition at this price point
  • Lens is sharp and contrasty in the majority of situations
  • Nice bokeh when shot close up
  • Very good dynamic range provides for flexibility in shooting
  • Excellent Wi-Fi features with bluetooth
  • Fuji’s menu system is clear and well-organized
  • Flash provides good fill-flash and exposure balance
  • Leaf shutter is very quiet and electronic shutter works for full silence
  • Fuji provides a nice leather wrist strap


  • Autofocus is rather slow and can struggle in dim light or backlit situations
  • Extremely small buffer means burst shooting is very limited
  • Rear screen has less dynamic range than the sensor
  • Lens cap is used rather than a self-closing mechanism
  • Lens has field curvature that can soften edges when shooting flat field subjects
  • Corners are very soft when focused very close up

The XF10 is an interesting little camera.  It’s very compact, at a bit larger than a deck of cards, and can fit easily into a jacket pocket or even many pants pockets.  It also packs the image quality of a good APS-C sensor and a good lens. The controls are well laid out and include two top control dials and a focus selection joystick.  The rear screen is touch sensitive and looks generally good, though appears to clip highlights earlier than the actual images do.  For quality imaging when you want to travel extremely light, it definitely fits the bill.

On the down side, the autofocus is really the biggest issue with the camera.  It’s only moderate in speed in good light and is quite slow in dim light.  It can also struggle to find accurate focus in dim light or on backlit subjects.  The snapshot feature helps for street shooting, but it won’t be a camera for quick-moving subjects. The price of $499 helps to forgive some of the issues with the camera, as the overall package makes for a solid travel camera that is capable of excellent image quality.  It’s a less expensive camera than most of its competition such as the Sony RX100 series, and I think it will be a great choice if you like the focal length and can deal with the slow AF performance.

Image Samples

Click on an image to enlarge:

Ruins, Catedral de San Jose, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/7.1, 1/320s, ISO 200
Courtyard, Iglesia y Convento de las Capuchinas, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/8, 1/160s, ISO 200
Mirolo Tower, Columbus, OH – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/11, 1/400s, ISO 200
Along the Street, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/8, 1/400s, ISO 200
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/7.1, 1/500s, ISO 200 (stitch of 2 images)
The Lanz Letterpress – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/8, 1/220s, ISO 200
Santo Domingo at night, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/3.6, 5.3s, ISO 200
Avenida Norte, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/8, 1/200s, ISO 200
Ruins, Catedral, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/8, 1/240s, ISO 200
Iglesia y Convento de las Capuchinas, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/8, 1/60s, ISO 320
Parque Central, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/6.4, 1/500s, ISO 200
Portrait – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/2.8, 1/60s, ISO 1000
Main Street Bridge, Columbus, OH – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/9, 1/75s, ISO 200
Cafe Estudio, Antigua Guatemala – Fujifilm XF10 @ f/7.1, 1/400s, ISO 200
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17 responses to “Review: Fujifilm XF10”

  1. Peter Krumme Avatar
    Peter Krumme

    This is a very good review as far as I can see based on my experience with the camera. Thank you, Jordan! The XF10 is not perfect but very good. Compared with Ricoh GR it stands quite well. So people who use other Fuji cameras might like a small street camera with good handling, two special settings for snap shot and a familiar menu structure.

  2. Franco Avatar

    Hello! Thanks for the review! Can you please write something about the manual focus using the front ring? Because I want to know if at anytime I have trouble with the auto focus I can rely on the manual focus and use something like focus peaking. Thanks for the attention!

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      Using manual focus with the front ring works OK, but the feel is not great compared to any decent lens. It’s doable, but not a preferred way to operate.

  3. Dave Thornton Avatar
    Dave Thornton

    I’ve just bought one of these as a small “walkabout ” camera to complement my X-T20 bodies and lenses. I thought it might be a bit too wide for my liking but having found out about the digital teleconverter which changes the focal length to 35 or 50mm (equivalent) (I can’t see any loss of quality) it’s growing on me and I’ve been taking it everywhere, especially on my dog walks. As Peter Krumme says, not perfect but good. Incidentally, I use the front ring to change the focal lengths.

    1. Jack Avatar

      I use the fujifilm exactly as you use it, including the converter. I also use it for a walk with the dog. 🙂 I also don’t miss the viewfinder, rather it would bother me.

  4. paul c appelli Avatar
    paul c appelli

    jordan , its cosinaphile from ep1 dot net and the other m43 forums

    i think you site has evolved toward excellence ,,, and the review here is amng the best anywhere

    i remember you shooting back about 9 r 10 years ago ,,, and it was extremely average and boring
    well … your shot of late have been excellent …. youve learned well and cultivated an eye to formal forces
    and visual needs …

    congrats and keep up the great work

    paul in nyc

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      Thanks for the kind words, Paul. Good to hear from you!

  5. Eric Avatar

    I ordered one today. At this moment in Belgium (I live in the Netherlands) the gold/brown ones are being sold for 329 euro. The black ones are sold for 439 euro.
    No idea why the gold ones are so cheap at that particular storen.
    Anyway, I own a Ricoh GR which I really like, but not the color pics.
    I don’t like 35 mm and never heard of the Fuji XF10.
    The X70 is to big for me.
    I downloaded soms raw files from the Fuji to practise to see if it was hard to handle but I think I can get used to it. To camera’s this ligt wont’t bother me but as soon as I have it, I’am gonna try to look the Fuji like the Ricoh for black and white in post processing. If I succeed, this will be my only camera 🙂
    Thank you for your review. I always wanted a Fuji someday for the amazing warm red and brown colors that no matter how strong they are, don’t look ugly oversaturated but instead makes me want to visit the place on the picture 😀

    1. Eric Avatar

      I’ve got him. Not happy so far.
      Tried all the settings and thislike them all.
      Nothing I’ve seen in samples.
      Very slow shutter. After you’ve already pushed the button, you have to wait a short while before you are allowed to move.
      In automatic mode, it doesn’t care choosing shutter speed of 1/20 instead of including the flash.
      Couldn’t make a single shot that was better looking then pictures of my Samsung S10 which is not exactly the best Samsung cam.
      Tomorrow I will shoot some raws and if that doesn’t work, I’ll return it.

      1. Peter Parker Avatar
        Peter Parker

        Have you returned it?
        The XF10 is the one camera I can’t get a final verdict of.
        It could be the perfect beater-cam, sth you don’t have to worry much about.
        It seems to be discontinued, prices are low, but an updated version might be
        around that finally addresses all of the Xf10s shortcomings.

  6. KAndersen Avatar

    I received my XF10 a couple of days ago. Have been on the side for some time, contemplating the XF10 vs. GRiii and comparing to my aging RX100ii, for a very portable / pocketable camera.
    I am happy with my new XF10 so far and the upgrade in image quality is huge as compared to the RX100 – sharpness, low light capability and color quality. There are always things that could be better, but if you know what you are doing and plan your work flow around the features of the camera it is perfectly fine. AF is no problem here, just set the spot size suitable and aim for contrast.
    Overall, a great camera and worth its price so far.

  7. pete Avatar

    The Swipe commands on screen work TERRIBLE, sometimes swipe 5x or more for it to work depend on what direction….sick of this…may sell it

    1. Mr Mark Dell Avatar
      Mr Mark Dell

      Have you got a screen saver on it?

  8. Mr Mark Dell Avatar
    Mr Mark Dell

    I have theXF10 and use it daily, I feel it’s image quality is close to my X100V. A very beautiful image tinybeast
    I run a blog and feature it alongside my V

  9. trc Avatar

    What a surprise that I have taken with this little camera, which looks like toys.

    I can’t believe how it has so many negative reviews.

    The camera is a beast in terms of sharpness (I have had many cameras and many lenses of many many hundreds of dollars and in its focal range it has no paragon).

    Its size makes it really portable, as it fits in the pocket of a jeans.

    the focus, so feared by many, is not a problem, if you take a small point of focus and logically the appropriate speed so that the photos do not come out jittery.

    noise control at high isolates is also excellent.

    the controls may be the least agile of this camera but you get used to it quickly.

    the battery lasts a long time.

    the snap mode is really effective and takes you to the Ricoh GR.

    IMHO the XF10 outperforms the Ricoh GRIII in sharpness by far.

    Also you forget about the dust problem.

    If you find it in the second-hand market, don’t hesitate, be it black or gold, buy it because if you don’t, others will.

  10. Jon Avatar

    I’ve just bough a second hand one of these. It has the latest firm ware so has a faster focussing time than the original. It is a camera that takes a bit of study and will require different settings for a variety of shooting styles, but when it works it really works! Your shots are great!

  11. Mr Mark Dell Avatar
    Mr Mark Dell

    So I decided to sell my XF10 in December last year and regrettably that wa a mistake!
    I missed it so much a friend had one so I got it from her for the bargain price of £200 and it’s mint.
    Aaaah back to the little powerhouse again

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