Review: Olympus Pen-F

Viewfinder and Rear Screen

The Pen-F is the first Pen series camera from Olympus to feature an integrated viewfinder, and it’s been a long time coming.  The Pen-F electronic viewfinder (EVF) is almost identical to the one in the E-M10 Mark II, which means it’s smaller than the large viewfinders found it most of today’s top tier mirrorless cameras, but the 0.62x magnification still provides a larger view than most APS-C DSLRs.  The 2.36 million dot EVF is clear and crisp, with good detail and excellent color and contrast.  There’s limited lag in most lighting conditions, though it slows a bit in dimmer light.  Overall, it’s a fine finder, though not one that stands out in the crowd of mirrorless cameras.

The Pen-F's fully articulated rear screen
The Pen-F’s fully articulated rear screen

The rear screen is a 1 million dot fully articulated touch screen, which is a first on a Pen camera.  The full articulation allows for easy viewing of the live feed from almost any angle, including portrait orientation shots low to the ground.  I’ve always felt mixed about fully articulated screens, as I love the ability to get low in portrait orientation, but it’s less fluid to tilt it out for low horizontal shots.  I also don’t like that the view is offset by a considerable margin from the lens when shooting horizontally.  Overall, however, it’s a better option than a straight tilt screen, and the one on the Pen-F is fluid and easy to position.  That is, once you get it out.  The deep area to get at the screen is the area where the thumb rest sits, making it very difficult to pull the screen out when handholding the camera.  You can also pull it out from the bottom, but this is also somewhat difficult.

Autofocus and Performance

The Pen-F has the same contrast detect autofocus system as the recent OM-D E-M5 II, and as such, there’s nothing particularly new to report with regards to the AF.  The camera is still among the fastest focusers in the mirrorless world when it comes to single shot AF, locking nearly instantly with most lenses, and with excellent accuracy.  While low light AF performance isn’t amazing, it still manages to lock in dimmer light most of the time, though occasional hunting can happen, especially with slower lenses.

Continuous autofocus is pretty good for a contrast detect system, but lags behind mirrorless cameras with on-sensor phase-detect autofocus.  I was able to get a reasonable hit rate on cars coming towards me when using the Olympus 75-300mm, though it was limited to further distances.  Once the car got fairly close, the ability to maintain an accurate point of focus was lost. The shot below is from a sequence of 9 shots, of which 4 of the 9 shots were in perfect focus.  This isn’t a great hit rate, but it’s not terribly bad for a CDAF system and a fast moving subject.  In more moderate situations it’ll fare better.  Still, a phase detect system will have a notably higher success rate in these types of situations.

The Pen-F can track moving subjects better than most CDAF cameras. This is shot 6 in a 9 shot burst. 4 of the 9 shots were in perfect focus
The Pen-F can track moving subjects better than most CDAF cameras. This is shot 6 in a 9 shot burst.

The Pen-F can maintain continuous AF between frames when shooting at the continuous low frame rate of 5 frames per second.  There’s also a high burst rate of 10 frames per second, but when this mode is selected, the focus is locked after the first exposure.  With the Pen-F’s electronic shutter capabilities, there’s also a 20 fps high+ mode using the electronic shutter, though this is less useful for action due to the rolling shutter effects that will cause odd warping of quickly moving subjects, even at fast shutter speeds. The buffer is fairly ample as well, especially given the style of camera. The Pen-F can record over 40 JPEGs and nearly 30 RAW files before slowing down when shooting in 10 fps burst mode, a fairly impressive buffer for a camera that is not really geared towards action shooting.

Aside from the action oriented items, the Pen-F is a responsive camera that doesn’t force you to wait on it. Write times aren’t super fast, but the large buffer means that it almost never hinders shooting.


The Pen-F lacks a built-in pop-up flash, which is a bit of a bummer, but it includes the rather capable little clip on flash that first appeared with the OM-D E-M5 Mark II.  This flash isn’t particularly powerful, but it can swivel and bounce to provide much better lighting quality than most clip on flashes.  Unfortunately, the the low power necessitates a higher ISO when bouncing the flash, but the results are still going to be better than a direct flash at low ISO.  The direct flash works quite well in macro situations as well.

The clip on flash is capable of bounce and swivel shooting
The clip on flash is capable of bounce and swivel shooting

In practice, you’ll still be better off using a dedicated flashgun that has a lot more power, though it’s a task that is made difficult by the small size of the camera.  Using a flash like the Nissin i40, which is very compact, is a good idea.  However, Olympus is to be commended for packaging a clip on flash that does more than the typical on-camera flash.  The shot below was taken with the clip-on flash, using ISO 800 to make up for the low power.

Easter Morning - Olympus Pen-F with Panasonic 25mm f/1.7 @ f/1.7, 1/60s, ISO 800 with flash
Easter Morning – Olympus Pen-F with Panasonic 25mm f/1.7 @ f/1.7, 1/80s, ISO 800 with flash

Now let’s dive into some of the key features that the Pen-F has, including Wi-Fi, High Resolution mode and more.

Continue: Key Features

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5



23 responses to “Review: Olympus Pen-F”

  1. Peter Avatar

    A very informative and honest review. Do you recall if the EV dial is active, when in Manual mode and auto ISO? On the GX8, with such settings, it gets turned off. Such a waste.

  2. Sam Avatar

    Finally a comprehensive and thorough reviewer who advises us that “your money is more wisely spent elsewhere.” As a satisfied owner of the E-M10 II I couldn’t agree more. To me, a camera that doesn’t offer comfortable haptics and ergonomics is a “no sale” no matter how nice is the rest of the package. There will just be no joy in using it. As for the price, the less said the better. Thank you for an excellent analysis. Respect.

  3. Peter Avatar

    A very good review, as always. But in your conclusion you miss one – or, rather, *the* – crucial point: The Pen-F gives some “rangefinder feeling”, which no other Olympus does. Whether this is worth the price is a question which everybody must answer for him/herself.

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      No, I address it. The last paragraph. It really is the lack of a viewfinder hump. That’s it. It’s no smaller than the OM-D series cameras with the exception of the hump. I don’t feel the camera gives any more of a rangefinder feeling than any other Mirrorless camera. The only Mirrorless camera that comes close is the Fuji X Pro series, with the optical finder and frame lines. This just lacks a hump.

      It’s rangefinder styled, but it doesn’t have a rangefinder feel.

      1. Peter Avatar

        With “rangefinder feeling” I didn’t mean the lack of the bulb, but rather that the camera doesn’t hide your face while photographing. It may be a minor point, but for me it allows for a completely different communication when photographing people. I agree that it’s not the same as a true rangefinder, of course.

        1. Peter Avatar

          Correction: I meant to write “hump”, not “bulb”, of course.

        2. Andrew Avatar

          Hahah, my Koni Omega Rapid 200 is a real rangefinder (with a cinema-scale viewfinder to go with it), and definitely hides my face. It also weighs 2 kg, though. For me the rangefinder aspect is the super-precise feel of manual focussing with the rangefinder patch. With a well-calibrated lens, I feel like it’s possible to manually focus more quickly and accurately than any other system (better than any SLR OVF, better than focus peaking, and similar to magnified view but with the whole perspective). As Jordan says, I feel like the X-Pro 2 only gives part of that feeling, since the OVF is not usable for manual focussing in a conventional sense.

  4. cosinaphile Avatar

    thank for a very nice review , a great camera imho but imperfect ….id love to see an article about the best settings and why in the overly complex dense menus …..i still cant figure out how to lock the focus point in the center of the grid when using legacy lenses and also how to turn off the lcd screen

    ive got the pen F in silver and am enjoying using the .64 x version on the metabones speedbooster and nikon glass
    like fast nifty fifties and wiser primes like the 24mm,2.8 and 35mm 2 AND just picked up the wide body cap lens
    also the 12 -32 on the pen is a great combo

  5. Menkhoff Avatar

    A little disappointed by the pictures. Pen-F deserves another target that the poor Panasonic 14mm. It would be best suited to the Panasonic Leica 15mm

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      So you’re upset I didn’t go buy a $550 lens, so that when I took pictures of a camera, it looked better? Feel free to donate that money to the site, and I’ll gladly purchase one for product shots in future reviews.

      1. Eric Jones Avatar
        Eric Jones


    2. John Avatar

      I think his example picture is more than “good enough”, especially the “Under the Railroad”, golden hours, flowers…

  6. Gilbert Tumbleweed Avatar
    Gilbert Tumbleweed

    I’ve always enjoyed reading the reviews here, always on point with great detail. The sample images are really good too!

  7. QBNY Avatar

    The “walking after the rain” is really good! Would’ve liked to see it in B&W. Still, very good composition.

  8. Flo Avatar

    In the Focus Bracketing mode, I do not get a single stacked image. I get the 5 images but not a 6th one with them all stacked. Is there no in camera stacking in the PenF? TY

  9. Frank Villafane Avatar


    Excellent article. I, however, disagree with your final statement that my money would be better spent elsewhere. I traded in my OMD EM5MII for the PEN-F and I have not regretted my decision. The EM5MII was (and is) an excellent camera, and certainly produces fantastic images, but I needed just that little bit “extra” with the 20mp vs the 16mp. Yes, I’d love to have the weather-sealing, but it’s not a show stopper for me if the camera doesn’t have it. Sure I would’ve preferred paying $200 less…but after spending the money, I find the results I’m getting more than justifies the cost (but of course, “your mileage may vary”).

    Is it perfect? No, there is no such camera. But when I’m out and about, it’s the first camera I grab and it’s with me on a daily basis. My biggest complaint is more with M43 cameras’ in general: their low-light capability lacks when compared to a capable DSLR (such as the Nikon D750, which I also shoot). So for now…as long as the light is good (dawn to dusk, really) I am assured of capturing great images at a very good frame rate. For the record, I find the best feature to be the silent shutter.

    One more thing: in my experience, the PEN-F raws are a bit more malleable than the comparable EM5MII raws. It may very well be due to the slightly greater detail resolution (20mp vs 16mp), but the new(er) sensor may also have a lot to do with it. What I’m finding is that I can shoot at or below optimal exposure and still pull out the shadows without an alarming increase in noise. I couldn’t do this with the EM5MII raws (since I shoot a great deal with the D750, the Nikon raws are almost “rubbery” in the amount of post-process manipulation that can be applied without any degradation…and that is the standard I use to compare the PEN-F raws).

    Excellent review, nonetheless. Thank you.

    Frank Villafane
    Urban Industrial Imaging

    You can view my mirrorless gallery at the link below:

  10. Mhs Vz Avatar
    Mhs Vz

    Thanks for a very thorough review. I agree, a little overpriced at $1,199 for the body only.

  11. Mahesh Avatar

    Hi Jordan, just across this review as I am toying with the idea of getting the pen-f. Does the compact panasonic zoom work well with olympus cameras? Did you have to apply the lens profile in lightroom?
    Or I might just get GX800 with that compact zoom kit. 🙂

  12. Patrick Avatar

    Good review but I find the conclusion harsh. All these cameras , as long as they produce good pictures , fulfill a need. Pen F does not have a big grip because it is not to be used with long and heavier lens, there is the OMD for that. It is used as a discreet everyday camera. Most of the pictures which have changed the world come from this type of camera. The absemce of a grip make them easy to put in a pocket and to be there when needed.

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      I think my conclusion is more than fair. Sure it will fill a need for many people, and I say so in my review and in the conclusion, but it is hard to recommend due to the price, and that is still true today. The Pen F is 3 years old and still $999. That’s an absurd price given the competition. A Sony a6400 has better AF, a better EVF, a better sensor, is more comfortable to hold and shoot with, costs $100 less, and in a practical sense, is about the same size too.

      You can get a Fuji X-T30 for less money, and it is better in nearly every way.

      Olympus priced this camera at the time almost as if m4/3 was still the only player in the mirrorless world. That reality is gone now. The full frame Canon EOS RP is only $300 more expensive, and only $200 more than the Pen F was at launch.

      All that said, it’s still a very nice camera, and it may well be exactly what you are looking for. And that’s great. But it’s still overpriced.

  13. Cliff Etzel Avatar
    Cliff Etzel

    Jordan – I’m STILL shooting a trio of 7yo EM5’s with my 12mm f/2, 17mm f/1.8, 45mm f/1.8 & 75mm f/1.8 lenses and TBH, I’m not happy with the images I’m getting even though I’ve been shooting Olympus for 3 years after having shot Canon Film and DSLR’s since 1989.

    One of my friends/colleagues is an Olympus Visionary and I made the switch per his recommendation. As a documentary shooter, one of my biggest needs is shooting in marginal lighting conditions (ISO1600-3200) and getting as much IQ as possible. I’ve been investigating whether to stick with Olympus by going the Pen-f route or moving completely to Fuji X-E2/3’s or possibly X-Pro 1/2’s with their fast primes. Or do I look at Olympus Pro primes? The biggest limitations I’m really seeing is less dynamic range and alot of noise at higher ISO’s with the m43 platform. Fuji seems to have done things right but I’m still not totally convinced. The EM1 series I have no interest in due to its size. And the ergonomics of the EM bodies is still as unintuitive now as it was when I made the switch and that has gotten in the way on more than one occasion for me causing me to miss those decisive moments – Very Frustrating.

    I’m totally confused which way to go. I typically shoot RAW only but from what I’ve read, in camera Fuji jpgs cant be matched. Any thoughts? If too much to answer you can email me directly – I’d really appreciate it.

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      Fuji has its own quirks, but I think there is a nice bump in image quality moving to Fuji. Fuji controls are really a personal thing. I love them, and find them to be incredibly intuitive and easy to use. Others do not, so that’ll be up to you. You will definitely see an improvement in noise control with Fuji compared to m4/3. I will say that ergonomically, the X-E and X-Pro series are lacking in the grip department, but controls are very good. The X-T2/X-T3 is a lot more comfortable to hold, in my opinion.

  14. Erik Thoresen Avatar
    Erik Thoresen

    I love my PEN -F. Easy to carry and people like it . With the 17mm or 45mm Oly it’s Just there when I need it on my hikes.

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