Review: Voigtländer Nokton 17.5mm f/0.95


100% crop at f/0.95

With ultra-wide aperture lenses, the biggest unknown will be wide open sharpness.  Most of these types of lenses are brilliant stopped down a bit, but most also suffer from a glowy softness at the wider apertures.  The most shocking thing about this lens, is that it is sharp right from f/0.95.  The central part of the frame has very nice resolution at pretty much any focus distance from about 2 feet to infinity. To see this for yourself, take a look at the crop at the right (click for full size), which is a 100% crop of the center right of an image taken at f/0.95.   Wide open, there is a little lower contrast, and slightly lower resolution that at smaller apertures, but it’s definitely safe to say that the lens delivers at f/0.95.  Stopped down to even f/1.4 brings that level of sharpness up a notch, with absolutely razor sharp central region and good corners.  Stopping down to f/1.4 also increases resolution quite a lot at minimum focus distance.  By f/2.8, the lens is absolutely tack sharp across the entire frame.

Contrast and Color

As mentioned above, contrast is somewhat moderate at f/0.95, but not bad.  At f/1.4 and smaller, contrast is outstanding with this lens.  There is a vibrant presence in the images with deep, rich color to accentuate the contrast.  There is a real beauty to the way this lens draws, at least in my opinion, and I was continually impressed with the look of the images I was getting.

Milestone 229 Restaurant, Columbus, OH – Voigtlander 17.5mm f/0.95 @ f/1.4


When you’re using a lens with an aperture wider than f/1, naturally bokeh is going to be on the top of your list of key characteristics.  The lens is capable of providing very nice subject separation at closer focusing distances, and as with many other lenses, the character of the bokeh changes a little depending on your focus distance.  At closer focusing distances, the bokeh out of the Nokton is absolutely stunning.  It’s beautifully creamy and still somewhat unique, with some cats-eye specular highlights near the edges, which is common for lenses with really large apertures.  The shot at the left is sort of a ‘bokeh painting’ taken at night, with the lens focused to about 1.5 feet.  Focusing to MFD yielded one big blurry blob.

Bokeh Lights – Voigtländer Nokton 17.5mm f/0.95 @ f/0.95

At further focus distances, the Nokton displays a busier character that is typical Voigtländer.  If you’ve owned any Voigtländer lenses in the past, you know that some of them, such as the Leica M mount 40mm f/1.4, have some very unique out of focus renderings.  Many people love it, some people hate it.

At medium focus distances, the specular highlights will start to gain a green ring from longitudinal chromatic aberration, and the character of the bokeh becomes a little more nervous overall.  I still like the effect rather well, and it works for me, but take a look at the samples both on this page and at the end of the review to evaluate for yourself.

Chromatic Aberrations and Flare

If there’s one weak area with the Voigtländer 17.5mm f/0.95, it’s with chromatic aberration.  This isn’t unexpected with an f/0.95 lens, and it certainly shows up, most notably in the form of purple fringing on high contrast boundaries.  Street lights at night, chrome, white clothing against a dark background…all of them will show purple fringing when in focus, and red or green longitudinal chromatic aberration when in front of or behind the focus point, respectively.  These can be fixed with software like Lightroom 4.1, though in some cases, you may need to do some bigger cleanup.  The degree of CA lessens as you stop down the aperture, and is mostly gone even by f/1.4, though it takes even smaller apertures to completely eliminate it.  Still, in field use, I didn’t find that it ruined images, and when shooting portraits or the like in most situations it doesn’t even show up.

The lens is pretty resistant to flare.   When a light source is in the frame, there is little to no flare.  The worst flare performance comes when a light source is just outside the frame, which can cause a veiling loss of contrast near that edge.  Still, very impressive performance overall here.

Field Curvature, Distortion and Vignetting

Scioto Mile, Columbus – Voigtländer 17.5mm f/0.95 @ f/0.95

Aside from some fringing at wide apertures, the Nokton 17.5mm has one other big weakness, and that is field curvature when focused at a distance.  Field curvature occurs when a lens has a curved field of focus rather than a flat plane.  On the Voigtländer 17.5mm, this exhibits itself rather severely when focused near infinity.  If you focus using the center of the frame, the curvature is such that objects between 5 and 20 feet on the edges will be sharp, but further objects get soft.  If focusing on a distant landscape, for instance, the edges of the frame will be soft, even when stopped down, where the near field objects are very sharp on the edges.

This didn’t really appear in closer shots, even when shooting a flat subject like a wall.  At closer distances, the field curvature is negligible, and the lens is razor sharp across the frame when stopped down a bit.  I did find that you could minimize the impact of the field curvature when your whole subject is far away by simply using one of the edges (about 1/4 of the way in from the edge) to focus.  This kept  the edges sharp and the depth of field kept the central region acceptably sharp as well.

There is a little bit of barrel distortion, but nothing that is generally distracting.  There is one sample image on the next page that appears to have heavier distortion, but it’s an illustion caused by a pole that is actually leaning.  The lens exhibits very noticeable vignetting wide open and even at f/1.4, but I actually enjoy the look it lends to the image.  It disappears in general field use by about f/2.

Next: Final Thoughts, Conclusion and Sample Images


30 responses to “Review: Voigtländer Nokton 17.5mm f/0.95”

  1. […] 17.5 f/0.95 My full review is now up with a bunch o' images, if you're interested: Review: Voigtländer Nokton 17.5mm f/0.95 @ Admiring Light __________________ —————————— Jordan Steele – […]

  2. Mike Avatar

    Thanks for this.

    Right now this lens is competing with the Oly 75mm for the next piece of glass to save for.

  3. Glen Avatar

    Great work, enjoyable read! Would be very helpful to hear your views on the Voigtlander 25/0.95 and how it compares with this.

  4. Fabian Avatar

    “but worst of all, the lens cap won’t attach when the lens hood is mounted, which means that you either need to leave the cap off when stowing the lens, or unscrew the hood every time you put your camera away.”

    Didn’t you get two caps of different size? One smaller is for the lens without hood, one bigger for the lens with hood.

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      No, I didn’t, but I was provided this review sample and the larger cap was not included. Does it ship with the larger cap? EDIT: after some research I see it does come with a lens hood cap..will update the review..thanks!

      1. Todd Avatar

        did you ever find the hood cap size? i have similar problem with a used lens i just purchased. cant figure out what size to buy… might have to go to the camera store and just try them all. help?

  5. Marcelo Guarini Avatar

    Thanks for the review,
    I just received this lens, I haven´t tryed yet. This weekend I´m sure.

  6. jean06 Avatar

    Thanks for the review, Jordan. Another set of very beautiful pics…

  7. Sadman Huda Avatar
    Sadman Huda

    Hey Jordan, Firstly great photos, the best user review I have read till date, had the lens for about 2 weeks now and I am amazed how the m43 format has chnaged and prolly has come of age on par with the other sensors….esp with OMD this lens is a beauty esp in low light and the ability to use zone focusing completely kills it on the street…I havent missed auto focus yet however the CA annoys me sometimes at wide open however I guess there is nothing that CS6 and LR cant fix. Anyways awesome review and great pictures. Cheers mate!!!!

  8. jeffharris Avatar

    Excellent review and some beautiful shots as a bonus!

    I’ve hesitated buying this lens, since I already have the Voigtländer 25mm, but you’ve convinced me!

  9. Marga Umbarger Avatar

    Thanks for sharing such great information. The lens definitely gives a sharp image of contrast and color.

  10. Mark S Avatar
    Mark S

    Hi Jordan,

    Good review.

    I just picked up this voightlander 17.5 myself today. Pretty happy with it until I used a speedlight with this lens. Something really strange happened.

    All the images with flash had this stereoscopic look (sorta like when you look at 3D video without the glasses on).

    This doesn’t happen with my other lenses. Would you know what’s happening here?



  11. Cem G Avatar
    Cem G

    thank you for great review. I ordered my copy and will share later. now i m set for my OMD with Nokton 17.5 and Oly 75mm. Which is another lens i highly recommend. thanks.

  12. […] f/0.95 Nokton.  They followed that by creating a 35mm equivalent lens in the 17.5mm f/0.95 Nokton (reviewed here).  Now, in 2013, they complete the trinity with a portrait length lens while maintaining that […]

  13. […] f/0.95 Nokton. They followed that by creating a 35mm equivalent lens in the 17.5mm f/0.95 Nokton (reviewed here). Now, in 2013, they complete the trinity with a portrait length lens while maintaining that […]

  14. jesus Avatar

      you query proved f/0.95 and Voigtlander 17.5mm XC Fujifilm Fujinon 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS is the best lens Voigtlander 16mm Fufi the speaker as well, ruling that is brighter than that is evident . value for money which makes better images. a greeting

  15. jesus Avatar

    sorry, I meant wrong lens to Fujifilm Fujinon XF 14mm f/2.8 R against 17.5 mm The Voigtländer Nokton f/0.95

  16. Steve Avatar

    Great review thanks, backed up with some excellent images which really show the potential of the lens. Particularly love the he environmental cityscape portraits. Just got. An EM1 body and I’m looking at the nokton lenses to allow me some subject isolation. Looks like this lens and the. 42.5mm will be on my wish list!

  17. GlueFactoryBJJ Avatar

    IMO, the second and second to last pics are stunning! Yes, the others are very good, but these are really standout pics!

  18. Ken Cameron Avatar
    Ken Cameron

    @GlueFactory, tastes certainly differ. I hated the second and second to last pics, liked most of the others, particularly the use of selective focus. Not complaining though, Jordan makes his HDR preferences very clear at the outset. A great review. I am very tempted by this lens. Although I have the focal length comprehensively covered, the speed and build quality will likely make it a sound investment.

  19. antono yuwono Avatar
    antono yuwono

    Hi, i use olympus omd em1 with voigtlander 17,5mm f 0.95, what priority setting should be used in the camera body?
    Can i still use A priority? Or only with S priority? I am confused, because in order to use the wide open 0.95 aperture, of course we have to set it manually at the lens body isn’t it?

    and if we use A priority, then the kens will not work because it is manual?

    thanks for helping

  20. Surfdiver Avatar

    Hi Antono,
    You select A (aperture priority) on the OMD and set the aperture on the lens. The camera will chose shutter speed accordingly. You can set the ISO manually or set it to auto-iso.
    Hope this helps.

    1. antono yuwono Avatar
      antono yuwono

      Hi Surfdiver,

      thanks for your reply.. I also notice from the manual to use A or M..

      so, the camera, if we set A priority, will know that we use a faster aperture (for example if we use 0,95), and it will set the shutter accordingly .. eve though no exif will be recorded, is that correct?


  21. Surfdiver Avatar

    Hi Antono,
    Yes thats correct, if you choose aperture priority (A) on the E-M1 and set 0.95 aperture on the Nokton, the camera will choose shutter speed accordingly with no exif information in the file.

  22. […] kuvaamaan manuaalitarkenteisella objektiivilla vain lyhyen aikaa muutama vuosi sitten, kun omistin Voigtländerin 17,5mm f0.95 objektiivin, jota käytin Olympuksen OM-D E-M5:n kanssa. Voigtländerin kapea syvyysterävyysalue ja focus […]

  23. glenn Avatar

    The final image of the Voigtländer Nokton 17.5mm f/0.95 you have aliens hood on the lens. didi it come with the lens and if not where did you get the lens hood. Also I get the feeling from your 2012 review, the Voigtländer Nokton 17.5mm f/0.95 has or might have made a newer version of the lens. I’m saying this now because it is 2015.

    Las I’m also looking at the new 4/3 Olympus 7-14 f 2.8. Which would you say is sharper.

    Please email me your thoughts.


  24. dab rigs Avatar

    1.4g would be a 20% yield for a quarter. So roughly a gram as you need good product to get those yields.
    I yield 18% all day with my Ghost Trai

  25. tinh yeu Avatar

    I am regular visitor, how are you everybody? This article posted at this web page is actually good.

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