- Well built body with excellent control layout
- Very high image quality with exceptional dynamic range
- Highly detailed images from the 24 megapixel sensor
- EVF is clear and responsive in good light
- Low noise images throughout the range
- Very responsive body with near zero shutter lag
- Autofocus is quite competent, fast and accurate in single shot
- Autofocus switches to area AF in lower light and, like all CDAF systems is only OK at motion tracking
- EVF and rear screen become noisy and laggy in low light
- Proprietary hotshoe limits external flash options
- Grip is uncomfortable and a little too wide
The NEX-7 is a very fine camera, and for many will be the ideal Compact System Camera. I think that due to the APS-C sized sensor, excellent EVF with focus peaking and small size, it’s the perfect camera for those looking to use adapted manual focus lenses, such as Leica rangefinder lenses or manual focus SLR lenses like Nikon F, Canon FD and Minolta MD lenses. Image quality is outstanding and the camera yields low-noise, high detail images with amazing dynamic range. If this describes your shooting, this is your camera.
However, there are some cons to the NEX-7, and for me, they are rather important ones. The EVF and rear screen become very noisy in low light, and it starts to lag as well. The proprietary hotshoe will severely limit your ability to use manual flashes or many remote triggers or other hotshoe accessories. Also, the grip was, to me at least, uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time. While I could certainly learn to get over these downsides, I really can’t excuse the inability of the camera to use a selected focus point in moderately dim light with the AF assist light activated. It’s frankly somewhat infuriating, especially when you’re just on the border, and the camera will focus precisely on one shot, then you frame a slightly more shadowed image, and the camera switches to area AF.
Ultimately, however, the NEX-7 gets much more right than it gets wrong, and it is overall an extremely competent imaging machine, with responsive controls and outstanding output.
Sample Images

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