Landscape photographers regularly try to seek out new locations to capture natural beauty. If you live somewhere where natural beauty is in abundance, you may have countless locations to explore. In other areas, natural beauty may be confined to widely spaced pockets, and it can be challenging to find new locations that scratch that itch for great photography.
In Ohio, we are probably closer to the latter description. There are some wonderful locations spread throughout the state, but they’re still somewhat limited. And here in Ohio, you’d better like streams, gorges and woods as your preferred landscape background.
I’ve traveled around the state and viewed many of the beautiful waterfalls, the deep gorges, the sandstone caves and cliffs, and they’re great places to go. but every once in a while you find a small out-of-the-way location that exceeds expectations. Such is the case with Massies Creek. Massies Creek is a relatively small creek that runs through an area in the middle of nowhere, Ohio, and for the most part it’s somewhat unremarkable. There’s a waterfall at one point that is OK to look at, but nothing special to photograph, and some nice trails that run along the creek.
However, there is one spot nestled among the rocks, where the natural flow of the creek and the fallen rocks and trees create something special. When you peek around the corner and come upon this area, it’s like a paradise from back in time. I enjoy the photos I’ve gotten there, but I don’t think I’ve quite captured the feel of this location, which is simply breathtaking. I’ve only had a chance to shoot this location twice. Once was in the fall of 2017, where water levels were fairly low, and recently fallen trees lent a wild and rustic feel to the area. My favorite shot from that visit is below:

I wasn’t able to get back to shoot again until a few weeks ago. The spring rains had significantly elevated the water level in the creek, and made it more wild. Smaller falls appeared that weren’t present before, and the majority of the fallen logs from the previous trip had been swept downstream over time. It was very different, but if anything even more beautiful. Below are a few images from my latest trip there. I hope you enjoy them!

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