Review: Olympus Pen E-P5

Olympus produced the very first rangefinder styled mirrorless digital camera back in 2009 with the original Pen E-P1…a classic camera that, despite a merely OK sensor and sluggish performance, set the tone for the industry.  It was a camera with great retro styling, a beautiful construction, extremely small size and a DSLR sized sensor.  It certainly made waves.  However, Olympus’ subsequent releases in the Pen line were met with a fair amount of disappointment for one reason or another.  The E-P2 was largely a rehashed E-P1 with only a few new features.  The E-P3 finally updated the aging autofocus and gave the camera a built-in flash, but kept the same old 12 megapixel sensor that the original E-P1 used.


Enter the fourth generation of Pen…the Olympus E-P5.  Compared to its predecessors, the E-P5 promises to be a major step up, including all the technology from the outstanding OM-D E-M5 and a few new tricks of its own.  The E-P5 inherits the 5-axis image stabilization from the E-M5 as well as its excellent 16 megapixel sensor, while adding an improved autofocus system, better responsiveness and Wi-Fi connectivity.  Let’s take a look at the new Pen and see how it stacks up.

If you’re not familiar with my reviews, I review from a real world shooting perspective. You won’t find lens charts or resolution numbers here. There are plenty of other sites that cover those. I review products on how they act for me as a photographic tool. I am not a videographer, so my reviews concentrate on the still imaging capabilities of a camera. 

Body and Ergonomics

Olympus Pen E-P5
Olympus Pen E-P5

The Olympus Pen E-P5 is very similar in size and feel to all the earlier Pen cameras. However, the subtle changes Olympus has made makes this feel like more of a premium offering.  The camera comes in three colors, silver and black, all black, or white.  My review sample was the all black version.  The new look goes even more retro than previous models, echoing the company’s Pen F from decades past.  The result is, in my opinion, a very fine looking camera.  The finish of the camera is a subtle matte texture over the metal shell, and this lends a distinctly high-end feel to the camera body.  When you pick it up, it feels like quality.

The front of the camera has a rubber hand grip to aid in handling the camera, and it works well.  The front grip provides a nice grippy surface for your fingers, while a rear thumb rest takes care of the back.  While my grip always felt sure on the E-P5, I didn’t find it particularly comfortable to handle. The finger indentations that you naturally fall into for the best grip cause your hand to sort of clench up.  I would have preferred a more subtle curve to the hand grip, but overall it’s OK.

The front of the camera is spartan, having only the lens release button, the AF assist lamp and the front control dial.  The front dial is well positioned for very easy operation with your index finger, just below the shutter button.

The rear of the camera has a plethora of controls concentrated on the right hand side, with the rear control dial just above the thumb rest.  Below the thumb rest sits the four-way controller that helps move autofocus points as well as provide direct access to exposure compensation, AF point configuration, drive mode and flash options.  Surrounding the four-way controller are buttons for image playback and deletion, the menu button and an info button for changing display information.  There’s also a dedicated magnification button and a two position lever with the dedicated movie recording button inside it.

The four-way controller is a bit finicky, and the thin rim of the controller isn’t particularly precise.  I often would end up hitting left accidentally while trying to press down, and it’s a little mushy.  Thankfully, all the other buttons are very nice in feel, with distinct positive clicks upon pressing.  The control dials (both front and rear) have great

Olympus E-P5 - Rear
Olympus E-P5 – Rear

tactile feel.  The lever to the left of the thumb rest is an interesting little addition.  When in position1, the two dials change parameters as you’d expect (shutter speed, aperture, exposure compensation).  A quick flick to position 2 changes the dials to control ISO and white balance settings.  Nice!

To the left of the camera’s accessory port sits the pop-up flash button.  This button quickly releases the camera’s built-in flash.  Unfortunately, it does it far too easily.  The button sticks out from the body and doesn’t require a particularly deep press to release the flash, which caused me to accidentally pop the flash out on multiple occasions, and it even popped out in my bag a couple of times.  Thankfully none of these led to damage, but the potential is there.

The rear screen of the E-P5 is a high resolution 1M dot LCD that tilts down and up for easy viewing.  The rear screen is clear and sharp, and unlike the OM-D’s, the E-P5’s screen doesn’t exhibit color shift depending on viewing angle.  It’s also a noticeably slimmer panel compared to the OM-D’s rear screen.

On top of the camera sits the ubiquitous mode dial along with the shutter button, a programmable function button and the power switch.  All are well built and operate well.

One problem I ran into when I first got the E-P5 in my hands was with the relative position of the mode dial and the rear control dial.  See, on the E-P5, they’re positioned near perfectly: the control dial is immediately above your thumb for super easy access, and the mode dial is up and to the left, but still easily accessed by your thumb.  My problem was, as an OM-D E-M5 owner, the E-P5’s mode dial sits in the exact same spot as the E-M5’s rear control dial.  For the first two days, I very often would switch modes when I was hoping to make an exposure compensation adjustment.  It’s not a knock on Olympus…the E-P5’s dial locations are in a better position than on the E-M5.  It’s just a note of warning to E-M5 owners looking to add the E-P5 as a smaller second body: muscle memory can be a pain.

Overall, the build of the E-P5 is on a very high level and the cameras controls are well laid out and generally feel great to operate, with the few noted exceptions above.


Olympus Pen E-P5 with VF-4 Electronic Viewfinder
Olympus Pen E-P5 with VF-4 Electronic Viewfinder

By itself, the Olympus E-P5 doesn’t come with a viewfinder.  For a $999 camera in 2013, this is somewhat of a letdown, given that all of its high-end mirrorless competition features integrated corner viewfinders that don’t significantly affect the camera’s size.  I suppose it can be argued that if you want an E-P5 with an integrated viewfinder, the OM-D E-M5 is your camera, though you lose some of the E-P5’s features and gain that extra height from the viewfinder hump.

However, for those times you want a viewfinder on your E-P5, Olympus has released a new external viewfinder, the VF-4, that pairs beautifully with the camera.  The VF-4 is rather large for an external viewfinder, and does noticeably bulge out of the E-P5’s otherwise sleek lines, but as with many things, it’s what’s inside that counts.

What’s inside the VF-4 is nothing short of the best electronic viewfinder I have ever used.  It provides a huge, clear and sharp view with essentialy zero lag, great dynamic range and good color.  The viewfinder has a 1.48x magnification, which is essentially the same size as the one in the Canon 1D X…larger than most any DSLR finder out there.  It also features a built-in eye sensor, so it can switch between the rear screen and the viewfinder as seamlessly as with any built-in EVF.  However, when using the VF-4 on a non-E-P5, that functionality doesn’t work…at least it didn’t on the OM-D.   I didn’t receive the VF-4 for testing until 3 days into my review period with the E-P5.  Until then, I was somewhat ambivalent about the E-P5.  Once I put the VF-4 on it, it became an incredible photographic experience.

Continue: Operation and Performance


18 responses to “Review: Olympus Pen E-P5”

  1. lisandra Avatar

    great review as always jman. It seems the camera has a fair bit of issues; some can be corrected to a degree, others cant. Youre the first to say outright that the focus peaking doesnt work all that great, and I applaud it. It should be a full fledged feature and not an overlay. If sony, fuji and now even pana can do it, so can oly.

    Needless to say, image quality is stunning.

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      Thanks. I have to say…overall, the ‘issues’ are pretty minor. I really enjoyed shooting with the camera. It’s one of those things where it gets almost everything right. There are a few things that make it not perfect, but overall it’s a great little camera. Last year I’d have said that it was worth every penny of the $999 asking price, and I think given the construction of the body, the image quality and the features, that in pure worth, it’s not an unreasonable price. The problem is there’s real competition, and the real competition is undercutting it in price while including an EVF….those other great features it has are going to get lost to the average consumer when they see that to get an EVF they have to shell out another $300. It’s a phenomenal EVF, but still.

      If I didn’t have the OM-D already, I’d strongly consider picking up an E-P5 with the VF-4 and the 17/1.8 kit (where the price becomes less of an issue), but since the OM-D exists, it’s sort of hard to justify, even if the E-P5 improves on the OM-D in many areas.

  2. Seth Avatar

    I just purchased a VF-4 to use on my E-PL3, but I tested it on my OM-D as well. On the E-PL3 the picture is OK, but not as good as the built in finder on the OM-D. Mounted on the OM-D the view is much improved and beats the built in finder but not by a huge amount (clarity). Did you find the performance to be even better on the E-P5 or the same as on the OM-D?

  3. Eric Avatar

    Nicely done review, thank you. I rather like the fact that I have a convertible camera of sorts in the EP5. When I want a somewhat larger but better camera “especially outside in daylight” I put the EVF on. When I want “or need” to be a bit more nimble I just leave the EVF in the bag. This is my favorite camera short of the Canon 5D MkII which it compliments rather than replaces. I’ve had numerous other Micro 4/3s cameras “all Panasonic” and this baby blows them away by far for me.

  4. […] Added on 8/10/2013: […]

  5. […] « Review: Olympus Pen E-P5 […]

  6. […] is what matters and the trend is for larger, says Aptina (Dpreview). Olympus Pen E-P5 review at Admiringlight. Fuji 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 review at Admiringlight. Samsung NX300 review at Digitalversus. Ricoh GR […]

  7. Nelson Avatar

    I also have the shutter shock issue too with E-P5 and 45mm at around 1/100s, where there is some kind of double image occur.

    The overall performance is indeed more responsive than E-M5, after using my friend’s E-M5 it just felt slightly slower especially on blackout

  8. Nelson Avatar

    Another thing regarding video that a lot of review missed, is E-P5’s ability to zoom in/out (4X) anywhere on the screen during recording (in video mode), this is extremely helpful when you have prime lens on the camera, I think this is the only camera that have this capability.

    Other camera you have to digtial zoom in first and can only zoom in the center, you can’t zoom out/in during recording.

  9. Alex Avatar

    Great camera, but I have tested two pcs and all of them had strong shutter shock issue. Hope Olympus will fix the problem.

  10. András Avatar

    I’m very glad Jordan mentions the shutter shock issue. I’ve been using Olympus PEN’s since 2010 and the thing that definitely annoys me the most is shutter shock. What’s especially tedious that every PEN behaves differently with every lens and I couldn’t figure out when enabling anti-shock improves or worsens the situation.

    I recently bought an E-PM2 in addition to my E-PL3. To my astonishment, the E-PM2 behaves worse in several situations than the E-PL3. I hoped until now that I could get out of the shutter shock hell by upgrading to an E-M5 or E-P5 but Jordan and the following article, which tells about shutter shock on the E-M5, saved me a lot of money:

    (I will upgrade some time but I’ll invest in a newly released body only if I know it fulfills all my current wishes.)

    1. James Avatar

      I read this article and I’m not sure I agree with the conclusions. Anti-Shock does not change the shutter sequence but adds a delay between pressing the trigger and the firing of the shutter. It is meant to counteract the user introducing blur by shaking the camera when pressing the button. There may indeed be shutter shock issues but if your camera needs to be locked on a tripod and images viewed at 200% to see then for practical purposes I think they can be ignored. The other option is to buy a mirrorless camera with an electronic shutter 🙂

      1. urban Avatar

        According to Olympus, anti-shock does change the sequence. The suggest that it only relevant with really long lenses, though there is enough user experience to suggest otherwise:

        “When you press the shutter button fully on a Micro Four Thirds camera, the shutter first closes and the immediately opens to take the picture. In most cases this does not affect the image. However, when using microscope or super telephoto lenses at large magnification ratios, the movement of the shutter closing can result in vibrations and may cause blur in the image. With [ANTI-SHOCK], a time lag is introduced between the shutter closing and it opening, greatly reducing the vibrations when the picture is taken.”

  11. […] Olympus Pen E-P5 (SPIEGEL ONLINE,, The Online Photographer, Admiring Light) […]

  12. Jay Avatar

    Good take on the camera overall, but I have to say for me, when I went to the store to give it a trial run, the point you made about “While my grip always felt sure on the E-P5, I didn’t find it particularly comfortable to handle” was the deal breaker for me. I wanted to like the E-P5 (and buy it), but it really just isn’t a comfortable camera to hold. Compare the grip on say a Panny G5, where your fingers kind of just naturally wrap around the grip, whereas with the E-P5 I find myself struggling to put my fingers in a comfortable position. I understand the form factor from a looks and design point of view, but I can’t learn to live with a camera that’s not comfortable to hold for extended periods.

  13. John R. Parks Avatar
    John R. Parks

    Jordan, would you compare the VF-4 viewfinder in use on the E-P5 (for size, magnification, clarity, etc.) versus the in body viewfinder on the E-M10 II ? Thanks, John~

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      It’s definitely bigger. I can’t recall off hand if it’s as detailed…it’s been quite a while since I used the VF-4, but if I’m remembering correctly it’s a superior finder in most ways. It also is quite a large attachment.

  14. Walter Avatar

    Hi Jordan, just found your website with these very useful reviews!

    As to the shutter shock issue with the E-P5: What about switching IBIS off at critical shutter speeds?

    Since Olympus has meanwhile addressed the said issue with a firmware: Do you think the problem is fixed now?

    I really like your kind of reviewing photo gear!

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