Review: Panasonic Lumix GX8



  • Solidly constructed body with weathersealing
  • Deep hand grip for a firm hold
  • Tremendous customization options with 8 physical programmable buttons
  • Dedicated exposure compensation dial and twin control dials
  • Bright clear and large electronic viewfinder that tilts
  • Fully articulated rear touch screen with great touch controls
  • New 20 megapixel sensor resolves more detail than predecessors
  • Very good dynamic range and good color response
  • Noise is kept in check fairly well
  • Exceptionally fast autofocus in single shot mode and very capable continuous autofocus
  • Fast, responsive camera
  • Electronic shutter capabilities to 1/16,000 second
  • Excellent Wi-Fi remote control capabilities
  • 4K Photo mode takes advantage of video features to help capture decisive moments with stills
  • In-Body Image Stabilization is available for non-stabilized lenses or to further aid optically stabilized lenses
  • Great video options with native 4K video recording at high bit rates
  • Good JPEG output


  • Image stabilization is still only mediocre in use, and far behind the capabilities of competitors’ systems
  • No IBIS available in video mode
  • Controls are placed awkwardly in many cases
  • Rear thumb grip is angled forward and somewhat slick

Looking at the pros and cons list, you can immediately see that Panasonic packed a ton of great things into this camera.  The GX8 is robustly built, has excellent autofocus capabilities, a quality sensor and simply oodles of features.  It’s got in-body image stabilization, a unique 4K photo mode, great video capabilities and the best EVF on the market, save for perhaps the new (and exceedingly expensive) Leica SL.

There’s a lot to like here, and I feel that many photographers will like the camera quite a lot; unfortunately, I’m not one of them. I fully acknowledge that this is one of those cases where a camera doesn’t work for me, and it’s likely to be an outstanding choice for many others, but while the cons list is quite short, almost every one of the things on the cons list is something that actively affects how you use the camera.  The image stabilization is there, but it’s mediocre in implementation and absent completely in video mode, negating the feature for the most part.  Most importantly for me, I never clicked with the controls of this camera.

I shoot a lot of different cameras each year.  I own several, and shoot my own cameras from different systems throughout the year, while shooting with generally another 7-10 cameras each year for reviews.  Usually, within a few days, I become very comfortable with the controls, the layout of dials and buttons and so on, and I just never found that with the GX8, even though I tested it for a few days more than I get to test most cameras. The exposure compensation dial is simply in the wrong place, and it goes against every piece of muscle memory I have.  The focus mode switch is too far left and nearly out of reach; the buttons are too hard to access on the top of the camera.  It just didn’t feel right to me, and it affected my overall enjoyment of using the camera. I’m harping a lot about what is somewhat a personal preference, but I feel that how you interact with the camera is often the most important thing about choosing a camera.

In any case, those ergonomic concerns aside, there is no doubt that the Panasonic GX8 a very capable camera that throws everything but the kitchen sink into its modestly sized frame. It’s well worth a look for those interested in a top-tier Micro 4/3 camera, and it can certainly deliver great images and most any feature you can think of.  I’d just go to your local store to handle one if you have a chance (and buy it there if you like it). This is good advice for any camera, frankly. With how good most everything is on the GX8, if you like the control layout, then you’ll absolutely love the camera.

Image Samples

Click on an image to enlarge

Devil's Bathtub - Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 @ f/8,
Devil’s Bathtub, Hocking Hills, OH – Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 @ f/8,4s, ISO 200
Purple Morning - Panasonic GX8 with
Purple Morning – Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 12-32mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 15mm, f/5.6, ISO 100
Watching the Lights - Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 25mm f/1.7 @ f/1.7
Watching the Lights – Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 25mm f/1.7 @ f/1.7, 1/40s, ISO 1250
Ice Bells - Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 60mm f/2.8 Macro @
Ice Bells – Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 60mm f/2.8 Macro @ f/4, 1/1600s, ISO 800
Sleeping - Panasonic GX8 with Canon FL 55mm f/1.2 @ f/1.2,
Sleeping – Panasonic GX8 with Canon FL 55mm f/1.2 @ f/1.2,1/60s, ISO 3200
Sunrise - Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 75-300mm f/4.5-6.7 @
Sunrise – Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 75-300mm f/4.5-6.7 @ 117mm, f/9, ISO 100
Ice Angles - Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 12-32mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 32mm,
Ice Angles – Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 12-32mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 32mm, f/5.6, 1/40s, ISO 800
Middle Falls, Hocking Hills, OH - Panasonic GX8 with
Middle Falls, Hocking Hills, OH – Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 22mm, f/8, 3.2s, ISO 200
Purple Dawn - Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 @ f/11, ISO 200, HDR of three exposures
Purple Dawn – Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 @ f/11, ISO 200, HDR of three exposures
Cave and Falls - Panasonic GX8 with
Cave and Falls – Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 15mm, f/8, 2.5s, ISO 200
Scioto River Bank - Panasonic GX8 with
Scioto River Bank – Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 12-32mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 14mm, f/8, 15s, ISO 100
Devil's Bathtub - Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 @
Devil’s Bathtub, Hocking Hills, OH – Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 @ f/8, 4s, ISO 200
Railroad Sunset - Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 40-150mm f/4-5.6 @ 150mm,
Railroad Sunset – Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 40-150mm f/4-5.6 @ 150mm, f/11, 1/12,800s, ISO 100
Upper Falls, Hocking Hills, OH - Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 @
Upper Falls, Hocking Hills, OH – Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 14mm, f/8, 1.3s, ISO 200
Main Street Bridge - Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 25mm f/1.7 @ f/5.6
Main Street Bridge – Panasonic GX8 with Panasonic 25mm f/1.7 @ f/5.6, 2.5s, ISO 200
Devil's Bathtub - Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 40-150mm f/4-5.6 @
Devil’s Bathtub, Hocking Hills, OH – Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 40-150mm f/4-5.6 @ 150mm, f/8, 8s, ISO 200
Middle Falls, Hocking Hills, OH - Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 @
Middle Falls, Hocking Hills, OH – Panasonic GX8 with Olympus 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 16mm, f/8, 2s, ISO 200
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23 responses to “Review: Panasonic Lumix GX8”

  1. carol Avatar

    Thanks for this review. Just one point, the camera definitely DOES have in camera Raw processing, I use it all the time. If you go into the playback menu there is a menu option for ‘Raw processing’ This allows you to do full Raw processing and, on completion, outputs a Jpeg file to the card.

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      Thanks for the heads up. I wish I had been able to find it. I’ll revise the review later tonight.

  2. Andy Miles Avatar

    It’s great that there can be two systems in micro four thirds that are different enough to suit individual preferences. Regarding adjusting the focus point in the EVF using the rear touch screen – Panasonic let you choose either mode on several of their cameras, so you can change to offset mode using a menu option.

  3. Clive Dyson Avatar
    Clive Dyson

    Great review as always. Thanks.

    One small correction. The GX8 does let you customise the Quick Menu, in the same way as all other Lumix G cameras I’ve used – see page 68 of the advanced manual. You have to set [Q.MENU] in the [Custom] menu to [CUSTOM] and can then customise it via a button in the lower left of the Quick Menu. I do like to change this to get the settings I want quickly available.

  4. Andrew Smallman Avatar

    Jordan, Good review, particularly about the ergonomics of the thing, which are in many respects unsatisfactory.

    I have analysed why I think this is so in more detail on my Camera Ergonomics blog

    If you want to browse through more stuff, I recommend starting with the ‘Discovering Camera Ergonomics’ page.


  5. Tom Avatar

    Disappointing and unprofessional review

    So you think “However, like the GX7, I found the IBIS of the GX8 to be a step behind the other systems that feature body-based stabilization.” the Dual IS feature lacks behind other systems but the only lens you have is the “The only optically stabilized Micro 4/3 lens I have is the tiny 12-32mm f/4-5.6 pancake zoom, which is compatible with the new Dual IS system present on the GX8.”

    Didn’t you think it would be a good idea to use on the stills flagship Panasonic GX-8 camera, the flagship “pro” level Zoom 12-35mm f/2.8 to test the IBIS?

    From my personal experience with this combination the IBIS works amazing and for me much much better with Tele focal lengths as Olympus, because of the stabilized EVF.
    Check it out:
    For stills (!) a much better solution then Olys way!

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      First of all, my comment about the IBIS being disappointing is in relation to the IBIS by itself. It, like the GX7 was only good for 1-2 stops for almost all my shooting with the camera. This is in comparison to the 3 stops I get regularly with the A7 II and nearly 4 stops I regularly get with the OM-D series. That’s a big difference.

      Second, the dual IS feature should enhance optically stabilized lenses similarly regardless of whether it’s the 12-35/2.8 or the 12-32/3.5-5.6. It adds an extra stop or so. Nice, yes…amazing? No. If I owned the 12-35mm, I would have tested it with it. I can’t afford to spend $1,000 to do a slightly more thorough test of one feature.

      I’m glad the GX8+OIS lenses works great for you. I find it kind of odd that you think it’s a much better solution than Olympus, however, but if it works well for your shooting, that’s fantastic. You mention that it’s great because of the stabilized EVF: well, the Olympus has a stabilized EVF with ALL lenses, not just ones with OIS (which are stabilized anyway in the viewfinder, even on cameras that have no IBIS). The GX8 does not stabilize the view with non-OIS lenses…Olympus does it even with adapted manual focus lenses.

      1. Tom Avatar

        Jordan, yesterday I tried a couple of shots with the 12-35mm f’/2.8 and Dual IS @35mm and 1/2s (!) shutter speed. 7 out of 10 perfect sharp (with experience in photography of 25 yrs) and as you know 35mm on m4/3 is equivalent 70mm an a full frame sensor. Without stabilization a shutter speed of 1/80s would be necessary, so 1/2s means 5-6 stops of stabilization (1/80 – 1/40 – 1/20 – 1/10 – 1/5 – 1/2).

        Of course I would be able to provide pictures with EXIFs, but I’m not able to show you they are shot handheld so it makes unfortunately no sense.

        I apologize for my direct way and hope you will on some day retest the GX8 Dual IS feature with a proper lens, the results are really amazing.

        1. Jordan Steele Avatar

          I don’t doubt your results. Thing is: it doesn’t add to my data point because everyone’s amount of handshake is different. You may be a much steadier hand-holder than I am. You may have shake only in certain directions that the GX8 corrects better than a more rotational shake that perhaps I have. Besides, it’s only one stop better than what I received. The dual IS helps a lens with OIS…I got 4 stops with the 12-32. Thing is, I got 3 stops with the 12-32 on its own, so the Dual IS only added one stop or so. When I reviewed the 12-35, I consistently got sharp shots at 1/8s at 35mm. A one stop added would bring that to 1/4s, and then you might be a stop or half stop steadier than me.

          The fact is, I could only consistently count on the Gx8 to give me an extra stop of handholding, whether on a non OIS lens or adding to an OIS lens. That’s nice, but it’s not a game changer and is behind the other systems. If the camera works great for you, then that’s fantastic. If you are happy with the camera that’s all that matters. It’s a quality device that is capable of creating great images.

  6. Hal Knowles Avatar
    Hal Knowles

    Hello Jordan. As usual, a very thorough and informative review with some really gorgeous images. I am a long time follower of your blog and it has been a lot of fun watching your art and talent evolve and improve over the years!

    I have used many Micro Four Thirds bodies and lenses since 2012 and I love both Panasonic and Olympus for their unique offerings. I had a GX7 for a bit over a year and loved it! I recently had a GX8 for a few weeks over December and tried to fall in love with it, but I found many of the same personal ergonomic challenges as did you. The location and action of the exposure compensation dial and the AF mode dial/button were especially awkward for my hands. The 2.5 mm mic-in jack and grip were also strange. Despite loving the huge EVF, loving the images coming from the new sensor, and generally finding the camera to be really well built, it ultimately did not feel right in my hands. I ended up finding a new open box GH4 for only a bit more and it fits my hands and my needs perfectly!

    I think many people may find the GX8 to fit their needs well. It was just not for me. All the best to you and your family this new year!

  7. Andy Miles Avatar

    Agreed, I love checking this site out, eagerly awaiting each post. I think the GX8 is one of those cameras you either love or hate, but for me it was both. I bought one when they first came out and didn’t take to it at all. I was use to the GH3 grip and physical interface, and quite pleased when I found the GX8 had a fault and had to be returned. Move on a few months and I was keen to give it a try again due to the improvements of the GH3. Ironically the price drop, cashback, strange Amazon kit pricing, and trading in my GH2 + GH3 meant I could buy both the GX8 and GH4 for less than the GX8 at launch. Using it a second time it felt like a different camera and I really came to appreciate things like the tiltable viewfinder and physical exposure compensation dial.

  8. W. Nicholls Avatar
    W. Nicholls

    I have different complaints about the ergonomics. The grip is shallow enough that I accidentally activate buttons on the back of the camera when I hold the camera with a more substantial lens mounted. There’s no ridge on the back grip for the heel of your hand, and for me, that means it’s easy to switch into ISO, DISP, and WB settings unintentionally. Needless to say, that’s extremely annoying and can cause lost shots. You can reduce the problem by locking out all but the DISP button, but that also slows access to settings. I’ve partially solved the problem by creating a grip pad that supports the heel of my hand. I’m surprised that more people don’t complain about this issue – go figure.

    I find the exposure comp dial to be quite easy to find by feel, and I use it a lot. It’s far easier to find and set by feel than using anonymous buttons that control ISO in combination with a command dial (like my GH3 or my Nikon D800).

    Image stabilization is good with OIS lenses that have been updated to the new firmware. Only a few lenses have firmware available to-date. With non-OIS or adapted lenses, stabilization is useful, but not nearly as good as it is in dual mode.

    You don’t list the mediocre battery life as a con. I do. And it’s ridiculous for a camera its size to have the memory card access behind the battery compartment door. The microphone jack size is also annoying – and unnecessary.

  9. T. Simpson Avatar
    T. Simpson

    Liked the extensive and personal review. – many thanks

    However, the enormous weight given to IBIS which I use a few times a year surprised me. Also I am not a video man but to just write off the amazing possibilities for capturing exactly the best moment in an action that the 4K photo options offer was difficult to understand, Using it for a static picture of a bottle begs belief!

    Totally agree about the handling taking time to get used to, especially coming from the GX7 as I did.
    We have the same views on the EVF and screen.

    Pity you do not have a larger lens collection – mention it before your next birthday.

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      Regarding 4K photo – I thought my text covered it well. I did use it for more than a static photo, but the people I used it on while testing did not want their images posted for the world to see. The bottle shot is simply to show the interface for selection.

  10. Otto Von Avatar
    Otto Von

    A really honest review for sure Jordan. I own the GX8 and completely agree with you on the placement of the EC dial. It’s actually quite frustrating and pretty much ensures I hardly ever use it. And what’s extremely annoying is that Panasonic forces that that poorly positioned dial for EC!!! I would love to program (while in Aperture Priority mode) the shutter dial to change my EC. But this isn’t allowed – how frustrating. But overall I do enjoy the camera and the image quality is what I need for both stills and video. Thanks.

  11. I. Brekke Avatar
    I. Brekke

    I find your blog interesting and you write about much of the equipment I am interested in. I also think you have written a good review of the camera based on your experience and your preferences, so I can not say you are wrong about anything. At the same time I find it somehow too critical about a camera I have bought myself and have fantastic experience with. It has a great feel, build quality, picture quality, responsiveness and autofocus. I find it is the first M43 camera that I would be truly comfertable to use in professional settings. I agree that the handling too a couple of days to get used to, but now I like it better then any, I love the feel of the dials. The IBIS might not be as good as the market leading Olympus, but how often do you really shoot at 1/10 of a second?

    Still, nice review and keep up the good work!

  12. Hendrik Avatar

    “It’s not a rather substantial body”
    presumably should read
    … *now* …

    That notwithstanding an excellent read.

  13. Frank Avatar

    My main complaint about the GX8 in comparison to the GX7 is its increase of size. I love my GX7 which is my minimalist travel companion with an Olympus 12/2 mm and a Panasonic 42,5/1.7 mm. Wow, what a flexible high-class combination in such a small package! I would love to get the improved 20 MP sensor in a compact GX7 sized body. I do not need a fully articulated screen, I am very happy with the tilt touchscreen of the GX7. So why carrying a bigger body? (Maybe that is necessary because of the integration of 4k, but I am not a video guy.)
    That is the reason why I stick to the GX7. This is still a wonderful camera, following the idea of Micro FourThirds: beeing small.

  14. james wilson Avatar
    james wilson

    Love my GX8 and enjoyed the review despite the quibbles but I wanted to offer a note on post focus. It is the ultimate solution for focus stacking. If you are in low light and want to avoid high ISO/long exp noise and want your whole scene in focus you can shoot wide open at low ISO and stack all the images to provide a completely focused scene with low noise. Subject movement not appreciated. Helicon focus has produced a feature for their software that will take a post focus video capture and stack all the frames for a full focused shot automatically. In my experience with the feature I have found that if subject movement spoils part of the image I can select the single image of the affected area and blend in the static image to the composite image in just that part and recover the area spoiled by movement. Far more than being a toy feature I can imagine many ways that Post Focus will benefit my commercial shooting. The only downside is the 8mpx capture.

    1. Andrew Avatar

      Wow, didn’t know that Helicon Focus could do the stacking straight from the video. That’s great. Do you know which license version you need for that feature?

    2. Jordan Steele Avatar

      For my use, the way the focus bracketing feature on the Olympus E-M10 II (and added to the E-M5 II and E-M1 in firmware) is much more useful. Still automatically records individual images for focus stacking, but captures full resolution RAW files (or JPEG if you choose). Much higher quality than stitching 8 MP JPEGs. Panasonic’s process is a bit more automatic, but Oly’s isn’t hard to set up.

      1. james wilson Avatar
        james wilson

        I have done high res focus bracketing with Panasonic using touch focus on the screen. Not very fast but can do a good job.

  15. Hen3ry Avatar

    Good job, Jordan.

    I can see what you eman about the AF/MF switch and its button. What on earth are they doing there? Nicely located in the GX7.

    What really, really gets me, though, is the AF/AE lock button n ac little raised island to the right of the thumb. I think the same applies to the PEN F. How to you use that and hold the camera too? You have to change your grip and LOSE your grip! On the GX7, this switch is actually under the thumb, it does NOT get pressed by accident, but it is very convenient to press when you want to use that feature AND retain your grip on the camera.

    There have been some complaints about accidentally pressing the WB (in the 4 way) and DISP buttons on the GX8. This also happens on my G6 and has been reported on the G7. I beat it on the G6 by gluing a little bit of plastic stuff on the outside of the 4 way, and some more on the thumb rest point above the switches which lift my thumb above them. A correspondent on the DPReview m43 forum did a very nice job with little piece he moulded out of one of those two ingredient putties.

    I have never had this problem with the GX7 and when I look at it, I can see why.

    It offers just a few mills more real estate to the right of the 4 way so the lower part of my thumb can rest on that. That area actually curves out just a tiny bit too.

    The designers had the chanceto set everything a little to the left because of the flip up screen, rather than the fully articulated screen with its big hinge (twice as bit as that on the PEN F, I notice).

    In the same part of the G6 and GX8, the body is already curving away to the front. The DPREview guy’s molding provided those extra few mills needed for the lower part of the thumb to have a gripping action (as does the bit of plastic stuff I have glued to the G6) but without interfering with the controls under it.

    But yes, the buttons you mention, and the CRAZY little raised island with the wrongly angled AF/AE lock switch on it.

    And after doing so very well with the GX7.

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