Review: Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM

Review: Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM

Image Quality

With a price tag over $2,000 and the long-held desire for a fast standard zoom for the FE system, hopes are extremely high for this lens in the image quality department.  Thankfully, in the most important areas, Sony has really knocked it out of the park with this lens.


It’s tough to make a zoom lens that goes from wide to telephoto that is truly excellent from edge to edge.  It’s even harder to make one that’s exceptional right from an f/2.8 maximum aperture. However, the Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM is just such a lens.  Starting from wide open, the lens produces excellent resolution across the image frame right from wide open.  Stopping down just a bit brings even the extreme corners up to very sharp territory.  This is one impressively sharp optic, and one that really gives prime-like sharpness throughout its focal range. Amazingly, this sharpness is there both at closer focus distances and at infinity, even wide open. I was seriously impressed every time I looked at the images out of this lens.There’s not a whole lot more to say here, as it’s simply outstanding. Click here for a full size sample of the image below to see the resolution at 24mm, and click the green arrow at the bottom to view at full size.

City Under the Bridge - Sony A7 II with Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM @ 24mm, f/11
City Under the Bridge – Sony A7 II with Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM @ 24mm, f/11


The fast f/2.8 aperture allows the 24-70mm GM to create a fair bit of background blur, and for the most part, the quality of the bokeh is very good.  When focused close up, the bokeh is very creamy, and while it’s not quite as smooth at further focus distances, it’s still quite good.  Specular highlights are predominantly even, with just a hint of a bright outline, and while there’s a fair bit of contrast in blurred backgrounds, the overall look is very pleasing.  While faster prime lenses will create more blur, the 24-70mm is fast enough and with nice enough bokeh to be an outstanding option for portraiture or general event photography, which is one of the primary uses of just such a lens.

Dandelion - Sony A7 II with Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM @ 70mm, f/2.8
Dandelion – Sony A7 II with Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM @ 70mm, f/2.8

Contrast, Color and Chromatic Aberration

The 24-70mm f/2.8 GM shows very nice contrast at all apertures and throughout the focal range.  It consistently produces images with great clarity and a very pleasing and somewhat punchy contrast curve.  Color is also excellent.  While not quite as rich as the color the Zeiss lenses typically render with their T* coating, the color out of the 24-70mm GM is natural with good saturation and a relatively neutral color response.

Most standard zooms have a tough time controlling lateral chromatic aberration, but in my photos, it was all but invisible at all focal lengths.  I was actually quite surprised to see essentially nothing when zooming in to 100%, and had to double-check that I hadn’t enabled CA correction in Lightroom.  It’s not fully perfect here, though, as the background can show just a hint of longitudinal chromatic aberration with a very slight bluish fringe behind the focus point and a faint magenta fringe in front.  Still, even here the performance is excellent. Very well done by Sony.

Lower Falls Reflected - Sony A7 II with Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM @
Lower Falls Reflected – Sony A7 II with Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM @

Distortion, Flare and Vignetting

The 24-70mm GM shows a fairly typical tendency for standard zooms with regards to distortion, with moderate barrel distortion at the wide end that quickly switches to pincushion distortion as you move towards the telephoto end.  In both cases, the distortion is visible, but it’s in line with other lenses of this type, and is easily corrected by the built-in profile for the lens.

It was generally overcast during my time shooting with the 24-70mm f/2.8, but I did take a few test shots into the sun, plus a handful of night shots, and the lens does a nice job with regards to flare performance. Contrast is well maintained and ghosting is limited to a handful of relatively small green orbs. One very nice feature with bright light sources is the beautiful stars that are created by the 9 bladed aperture.

One area where the 24-70mm GM does falter a bit is with vignetting.  The lens shows visible vignetting throughout the focal range that’s fairly noticeable wide open and never fully disappears, even when stopping down.  I generally prefer a bit of light falloff towards the edges (and I add it to many shots), but for those who want their lenses to produce even illumination, they’ll need to correct the vignetting in post.  The profile included in Lightroom and other RAW converters does a good job of quickly correcting the vignetting with a single click.

Overall, the performance of the 24-70mm f/2.8 GM is exceptional. It’s the finest standard zoom lens I’ve had the pleasure to use (though I don’t have experience with Canon and Nikon’s latest).  It’s exceptionally sharp with great color and contrast, decent bokeh and good control of CA.  It’s a pricey lens, but you get what you pay for.

Continue: Conclusion and Image Samples

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18 responses to “Review: Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM”

  1. […] friend Jordan Steele reviewed the new Sony 24-70mm GM lens. And his conclusion […]

  2. […] travel and event photography or even simple everyday shooting. We all know it is amazing! And Jordan Steele at AdmiringLight published his Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM lens review. See his conclusion […]

  3. JJ Backer Avatar
    JJ Backer

    Thanks for confirming that your 24-70GM lens mount does not fully contact the A7RII lens mounting flange. I noticed the same on my 2nd day of shooting. I have reported this to Sony Pro Support several times over the last month with obsoletely no response from them! I definitely would not call it ‘PRO’ support. The touted ‘weather sealing’ was one of the main reasons I chose to buy this lens as I shoot primarily coastal landscapes in Hawaii.

    I would appreciate it if you could inform Sony of your findings about the lack of a true ‘Seal’ between the lens and A7RII lens mount. The lens is not truly ‘sealed’ as it was clearly advertised by sony. The only way to get Sony’s attention and acknowledgment of this flaw is to get as many users as possible to complaint about this issue. For $2200 they should offer to repair / modify or replace the seal on this otherwise exceptional lens. It’s a shame that sony can not get something so simple as a sub $1.00 gasket right the first time.

  4. Yan Avatar

    This is the best 24-70 GM so far, quite impressive! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. curious Avatar

    How would you rate this vs Fuji’s 16-55?

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      It’s better. The Fuji was good, but didn’t really blow me completely away. I was very surprised at how good the 24-70 GM was.

  6. Minion Avatar

    I was on the fence regarding this lens and decided to pass. The convenience of a standard zoom for the A7RII with a decent IQ was enticing for the convenience factor alone. However, the lack of IS and the “extending” design is a dealbreaker for me. My old Nikon 24-70 f2.8 VR G-lens had none of these limitations; I would have thought SONY would have stepped up to the overall sophistication and quality level other than just matching the price.

    The seal issue is another design and/or manufacturing flaw but the reported lack of response from SONY’s ironically labeled “Pro” support arm if true, would be yet another reason to stay far away.

    I really hope the company rebalance its priorities and focuses on Q/A more instead of overfunded creative marketing.

  7. […] Be sure to check out the full review by Jordan on his site. […]

  8. […] professional shooters, providing a very fast f/1.4 aperture in the classic 85mm focal length.  The FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM that I reviewed a few weeks ago was outstanding, so I had high hopes for the 85mm f/1.4 as well. […]

  9. Nash's Avatar

    Actually the best standard zoom is the canon 24-70 2.8 II. I use this via meta ones on my A7R II.
    I know Sony has put forth an aggressive marketing campaign for their G master lenses by using these “reviews”
    But the Images I see using the Sony compared to my canon are not in the same universe. The Sony is good but not in the prime like sharpness class of its canon counterpart.
    The Canon 24-70 2.8 II is a legendary performer that has not yet been matched much less out performed.

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      Considering I paid to rent the lens to write a review on it, I can most assuredly say this isn’t a marketing campaign. It’s a stellar lens. Having not put it head to head with the Canon, I can’t say which is better, but the Sony is the best standard zoom I have used. I won’t buy it – it’s too expensive for me and too big for my type of shooting and my desires, but it is truly excellent. Lens rentals did a test with the Sony, Canon and Nikon and the Sony and Canon were at the top and very comparable.

    2. Edward De Bruyn Avatar

      Tested my 24-75 Canon and had good results at 24mm but at 35mm and more the extreme corners presented some smearing effect in combination with my Sony A7r2.
      Maybe some extreme field curvature or a bad copy.
      Didn’t see it with some legacy glass, 30-70mm f3.4 Contax C/Y for example. Should say this lens performs almost as good as my 28f2.8 and 50mmf2.8 Contax C/Y…
      Didn’t have the possibility to test the new Sony 24-70 f2.8 but ill do it.
      For the moment in a landscape mode and must confess that I’m very happy with the Contax 30-70 C/Y.
      But use most of the time the Sony 16-35mm (Loxia 21mm and Samyang 14mm for night shots).

      Thanks for this excellent review

      1. Edward De Bruyn Avatar

        Was actually the Canon 24-70 2.8 II (not 24-75), sorry

  10. […] From AdmiringLight verdict : […]

  11. […] Admiringlight??????????FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM??????????????? […]

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