Review: Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 Hyper-Wide Heliar (Sony E-Mount)

Review: Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 Hyper-Wide Heliar (Sony E-Mount)

How wide can an ultra-wide go?  It’s a question you’ll find yourself asking when you get ready to mount the Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 Hyper-Wide Heliar: the widest rectilinear lens ever made for a camera. As soon as you look through the viewfinder with this lens mounted, you’ll have your answer: almost unfathomably wide.

The 10mm f/5.6 is a one-of-a-kind lens: the first lens ever made with a 10mm focal length to cover a full-frame sensor that isn’t a fisheye lens.  Fisheye lenses are still the ultra-wide champs: they can cover a full 180 degrees corner to corner, but with the unmistakable bowing of straight lines to accomplish the feat.  This Voigtländer lens sets a new bar in rectilinear width, besting the 11-24mm Canon lens that made headlines when it was announced last February. Prior to that lens, there were a small handful of lenses with a 12mm focal length (and Sigma had an APS-C equivalent 8mm lens).  But 10mm has been unheard of before now.  While a 1mm advantage may sound small, with focal lengths this wide, it’s a visible difference in field of view. The 11-24mm goes as wide as 126.5 degrees, while the 10mm f/5.6 increases that 130 degrees.

Perhaps most impressive is that this new Voigtländer for the mirrorless Sony E-Mount fits a lens of this extreme width into a relatively lightweight and compact package: it’s less than 3″ long and weighs 371g, while costing $1,099 US.  By comparison, the previous wide-king, the 11-24mm, is over 5″ long and over three times as heavy (1,180g), while costing a whopping $2,899.  Still, none of it means anything if it’s a terrible performer, so let’s cut to the chase and dive in.

The Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 Hyper-Wide Heliar on the Sony A7 II
The Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 Hyper-Wide Heliar on the Sony A7 II

Construction and Handling

The Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 Hyper-Wide Heliar is reminiscent of Voigtländer’s rangefinder lenses for the past decade.  It’s constructed of solid metal, and the lens both looks and feels impressive in the hand.  It’s a bit larger than I thought it looked in pictures, but given the extreme width, it’s remarkably compact.  The 10mm f/5.6 has electronic contacts at the rear of the lens, but make no mistake, this is a fully manual lens.  Much like Zeiss’ Loxia line, the 10mm f/5.6 uses the electrical connection to pass EXIF data such as set aperture and focal length (which is useful for the A7 Mark II series in-body stabilization), as well as to activate auto magnification during focusing.

The lens has a built-in metal lens hood that can’t be removed, and there are no filter threads, as the extreme width and bulbous front element precludes front mounted screw in filters. To cover the lens, a metal lens cap that fits over the hood is included, and fits very securely.

The 10mm f/5.6 isn't a large lens, but has some heft.
The 10mm f/5.6 isn’t a large lens, but has some heft.

The lens has two main controls: a front mounted aperture ring which moves with distinct and moderately firm detents, and a very smooth and moderately damped focus ring.  Given the tendency to set focus and forget it, given the very deep depth of field, I wish the focus damping were a bit stiffer, but it’s not bad.  I found that for most stopped down work, focusing between 1m and 2m yielded images that were sharp from near to far.  I generally only focused more precisely if the point of focus was very close up. The lens focuses to 0.3m, which, given the extreme width, I felt could be a bit limiting if your goal was to make small items big while capturing an expansive view behind the subject. At closest focusing distance, the field of view covers an area of several meters, so isolating flowers or other small items isn’t going to be possible with this lens.

The lens has a built-in metal lens hood and nicely made aperture and focus rings.
The lens has a built-in metal lens hood and nicely made aperture and focus rings.

There’s a nice feature built into the aperture ring of this lens. Like several other Voigtländer lenses, such as the Nokton series for Micro 4/3, the 10mm f/5.6 has the ability to declick the aperture ring simply by pulling the ring towards the front of the lens and rotating it until the yellow tick mark (seen in the image above) is centered.

Using a 10mm Lens

Using an ultra-wide angle lens is often challenging for many photographers.  There is so much captured that it can sometimes be hard to find pleasing compositions. Some people have a hard time ‘seeing’ in ultrawide, and the extreme field of view also increases the appearance of perspective distortion when the camera is tilted.  All of these challenges are here with the 10mm f/5.6, but they’re magnified tremendously.  Tilt the camera just a hair away from level, and converging lines become very obvious.  It’s up to you to decide whether those converging lines will add to the composition or detract. Objects even moderate distances away appear small, so very careful thought must be given to how the elements in your image align. Although I think I have a very good eye for ultra-wide composition, even I was a bit worried before the lens arrived that I’d have trouble finding uses for something this wide.

You can incorporate the perspective distortion into the composision, as I did in this shot. Ohio Statehoute rotunda - Sony A7 II with Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 @ f/8
You can incorporate the perspective distortion into the composition, as I did in this shot. Ohio Statehouse Rotunda – Sony A7 II with Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 @ f/8

A lot of landscape work requires longer focal lengths to isolate the scene a bit.  By longer, I mean 16-50mm on full-frame. That may sound odd, but after using the 10mm f/5.6 for a while, even 16mm ultra-wide begins to look almost like a telephoto. It’s a crazy perspective. The shot below shows the relative fields of view of various wide-angle lenses. I took shots from the same location on a tripod with the 10mm, followed by several focal lengths with the FE 16-35mm. The 10mm’s field of view makes the already very, very wide view of the 16mm end of my FE 16-35mm look downright pedestrian. The super-wide 24mm focal length almost looks like a telephoto in comparison to the expansive width of the 10mm Heliar. I was standing fairly close to this building, but the width makes it seem fairly distant.

Fields of View of the 10mm compared to other wide-angle focal lengths (click to enlarge)
Fields of View of the 10mm compared to other wide-angle focal lengths (click to enlarge)

Thankfully, I found that this lens is exceptionally well suited for dramatic interior photography, as well as certain creative uses outside.  It’s also wide enough that if you are OK cropping a fair bit out of the image, you can utilize the lens as a stand-in for a tilt-shift ultra wide, as the width covers the same field of view as a 15mm shift lens would cover at a full 12mm shift.  As such, you can use the lens to shoot architectural shots like the one below, without having to correct the verticals in post.

Keeping the camera level and cropping yields extremely wide fields of view without converging verticals: it can sub for an ultra-wide shift lens.
McCracken Hall, The Ohio State University – Sony A7 II with Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 @ f/8

In all, the lens can be somewhat challenging to use, but is eminently rewarding if you can train your eye to see the compositions that are possible with it.  Over the course of my time with the lens, it quickly became an incredibly fun lens to use.  It just can do things that no other lens can. I fell in love immediately with the capabilities, and while I didn’t think I had a need for a lens this wide, in just two days, I knew I’d have to own one for myself.  But I’m getting ahead of myself.  Let’s dive a bit deeper into the optics of this lens.

Continue: Image Quality

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20 responses to “Review: Voigtländer 10mm f/5.6 Hyper-Wide Heliar (Sony E-Mount)”

  1. benji Avatar

    Nice shots

  2. Chris Avatar

    Thanks for the review. I just joined you in the “saving up for this lens” club.

  3. Matt Avatar

    A very informative review and a fascinating lens – I have the Sony 16-35, and find myself using 16mm a lot more than I ever expected, as you say that feels very wide in isolation.

    I think I might have to rent this, I’m not sure exactly what I’d use it for, but it’s a unique and lovely-looking piece of kit, which you can clearly take good photos with!

  4. Vladimir d'Ar Avatar

    Good Shots! Already want him a company to my FE 16-35/4!)

  5. […] read more of his thoughts on Admiring Light and say hi on Twitter. This article was originally published here and shared with permission. googletag.cmd.push(function() { […]

  6. Patrick Avatar

    The first and third images (“RPAC” and “Hayden Run Falls”) are really great. They show what’s possible with such a wide lens. I think I would struggle keeping the lines straight on architecture shots, however. Is the McKinley Monument shot cropped?

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      The second one is from close up, with verticals corrected in post. The first one, with the sun, is not cropped, and was taken level. The first image (RPAC) was cropped while keeping the camera level.

  7. Lisandra Avatar

    Hey jordan, long time!!!! This lens is amazeballs to say the least. While it can be frustrating at times to shoot at such a wide view and keep it interesting while keeping the uninteresting out, it still remains a blast. Poeple also need to rent this thing. There simply no way to imagine or compare the angle of view to anything else. Even if you have the sigma 12-24 like i have the 10mm still is worlds different. Amazing as always

  8. Jay Mora Avatar
    Jay Mora

    You sir take great photos. It really makes reading the reviews worthwhile.

  9. Joel Cure Avatar

    Owned one for several days. My copy had extremely soft edges. I returned it.

    I will probably try another copy.

  10. Luis Castaneda Avatar

    I have been wondering about this lens for several months, but after finding your review and the magnificent examples, I am completely convinced to get it. I’ve had the incredible experience with the Voightländer 12mm for many years, but with the recent Leica cameras it vignettes very much ( although I don’t know if the recent versions of this lens the vignetting has been corrected). Thank you for the excellent review.

  11. Ramil Avatar

    He took pictures of this lens.
    The lens strongly pulls the shapes of objects from the center to the sides !!!
    Stretches the corners not only to the right and to the left but also to the top, down – and very much!
    It looks like Kosinas nakosyachil strongly not taking any measures to correct distortions.
    This lens will work correctly when the matrix is ??made semicircular, then the beam will pass the same distance in the center and at the edges of the frame.
    My opinion for filming in the room and in nature it is useless, once again convinced that the reviews over the hill are paid.
    If honestly it is not clear for what purpose this small piece of scrap metal?

  12. Marco Avatar

    Great review and excellent shots! I have the same lens but the 12mm focal lenght, it’s the only lens I always have in my bag, it’s small, quite challenging in composition but extremely satisfying when you take a good picture. I’m eagerly waiting for the 65mm to arrive in Italy, I’m saving for that?

  13. Victor R. Avatar
    Victor R.

    Thank you, Jordan, for this review.

    I wonder if you’ve had any opportunities to use the 15mm F/4.5 Heliar for the e-mount? I’ve read good things about that lens on Phillip Reeve’s website, although it has also been criticized for quality control issues (sample-to-sample variations more prevalent than with the 10mm).

  14. Hamad Avatar

    Thank you Jordan.
    Highly detailed review. Thanks for providing such a great sample work along with it. After reading and seeing photos of your review i have decided to go for it as well. I used 12mm and was happy with it. then got the 15mm it was great too but after that they launched the 10mm was playing around with the idea of getting and now i am completely sold on it.

  15. […] Admiringlight??????????HELIAR-HYPER WIDE 10mm F5.6 Aspherical??????????????? […]

  16. Mark B Avatar
    Mark B

    Had a first-version Cosina / Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 Hyper-Wide Heliar VM on a Leica M8 and Fuji X-E2. I never got used to the extreme vignetting and cyan corners of that lens on those cameras, so I sold it. Cosina / Voigtlander’s (first version) 15mm f/4.5 Ultra-Wide Heliar was easier to use, but still vignetted pretty badly. So I sold that lens, too.

    Now I’m using Leica’s 16-18-21mm f/4 Tri-Elmar-M ASPH full-frame on Leica M10 (superlative image quality, but co$tly). When I need to go really wide, I’ll use Sigma’s 14mm f/1.8 Art on an EOS 5D mk IV, but shooting real estate for clients I’ll use an EF 17mm f/4L TS-E or first-version EF 24mm f/3.5L TS-E. All of them are relatively distortionless compared to the first version EF 16-35mm f/2.8L I used to use for real estate and Chacoan Anasazi ruins.

    The Sigma 14mm is also excellent for night sky / starfield shots – very little coma or distortion of any kind, very sharp to the corners.

    I don’t really have a use for a 10mm lens, but admit to a technical fascination with wider/longer/faster optics. Thank you for showing more possibilities for ultra-wide composition, particularly the Ohio Statehouse Rotunda.

    (More of my work at

  17. Ash C Avatar
    Ash C

    Thank you for hosting this really informative and useful website.
    I love reading your reviews – always so balanced and fair.
    I have a dilema and was hoping you can help
    I have a sony Aiii and I want to buy an ultra wide angle lens.
    My experience till now have been with 24mm at the widest
    I am looking at the Voigtlander 10mm with 5.6 and the 15mm with 4. The 15mm in my mind is the safe choice with the relative ease of composing a pic but the possibility of a 10mm excites me too. My questions are –
    1. Is it advisable to buy the 10mm and get used to it and during that time also use it if needed in APSC format (A7iii allows you to) when the effective focal length will be 15mm. In that case could I enjoy best of both worlds?
    2. How much of difference will the 5.6 stop of 10mm be a hindrance compared to the 4 of 15mm in the verstality of the lenses to take good images
    Thank you for your help
    Best wishes

  18. […] options as well.  Among those unique lenses are their extreme wide-angle lenses, such as the 10mm f/5.6, which I reviewed two years ago, and today’s reviewed lens, the 12mm f/5.6 Ultra Wide Heliar […]

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