Failing wheel bearing hub assembly? Check. Dremel with metal cutting wheel? Check. Tripod mounted long lens set far enough back to not be melted by flying sparks? Check.

Failing wheel bearing hub assembly? Check. Dremel with metal cutting wheel? Check. Tripod mounted long lens set far enough back to not be melted by flying sparks? Check.
I was determined to minimise any mft kit I acquired…but…dammit, this thing is Dirty
Till now been using this model with various type of lenses for experimental photography and the outputs are great
Image in eye of photographer. I have several Sony alpha cameras, but will *never* part with my Canon DSLR 5D…
Great review. I had one as well and moved up to an XSI. Very underrated sensors as I think both…
A lot of nostalgia. This was my first body as well. Used with Tamron 17-50 🙂
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