Review: Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3


The GH3 is the first Micro 4/3 camera to feature wi-fi connectivity, and it’s the first camera I’ve used to have these features, though they are becoming more and more common. Due to the very nice added functionality wi-fi can provide, I expect that it will be included in some form on most advanced cameras (and maybe all cameras) in the very near future.

The iOS interface for remote shooting on the GH3
The iOS interface for remote shooting on the GH3

The wi-fi capabilities on the GH3 allow you to do a whole host of very cool stuff. You can tether the camera to a computer while you shoot, which will automatically transfer your images to your computer, smartphone or tablet. The GH3 will also allow you to connect after the fact and send specific images to a computer, smartphone or tablet for quick editing or e-mailing. You can also send images to a DNLA enabled television without any cords. And, the one that allows for the most creative opportunities, you can connect to a smartphone or tablet and have full remote control of the camera. It’s worth noting that none of the features that connect to your tablet or smartphone require you to have a wi-fi network in range. The GH3 creates it’s own wi-fi network, so you can use these features in the middle of nowhere if you like. You just need to have the Lumix applications on your computer or mobile device (Android and iOS are supported). Setting up the connection can take a little bit of time (I had to re-try the connection from the camera to my iPhone 5 two or three times before it took), but it works as advertised.

While the image transfer features are pretty self explanatory, I’m going to delve in a little deeper on the remote control. After connecting your camera to say, your smartphone, you open up the Lumix Link app, and you are presented with a full control interface for the camera. If you are using a lens that has power zoom, you can even zoom the lens remotely. On the left side of the app, the camera viewfinder is replicated, it’s truly a remote monitor of the viewfinder display. On the right side is a general camera interface, which then allows for parameters to be changed individually (see the shot above showing ISO selection). Focus point can be changed the same way you would on the rear screen – just touch where you want the focus point to be.

The GH3 capturing an image remotely.
The GH3 capturing an image remotely.

When you want to shoot, you simply press the shutter button in the app, and the camera focuses and takes the picture. This worked perfectly, as you can see in the picture to the left, where I took a picture with the app, of the phone. Note that the ‘please wait’ that shows when you’re shooting the image disappears quickly as the camera resumes sending the live feed to the device.

What’s so great about this feature is that it gives functionality for free to the photographer that used to require very expensive specialized gear to accomplish, and even then, usually without an actual view of what the camera was recording. (The photographer simply waited for what they thought was the right moment and mashed the remote trigger). This opens up a whole new world of remote shooting to get shots you simply wouldn’t be able to before. The remote shooting application also allows for the ability to attach GPS data from your phone to images and to review images you’ve previously taken as if you were looking at the back of the LCD. I can’t wait for this to be widespread in all cameras.

Other Cool Features

The GH3 has so much packed into it, that unfortunately, I didn’t get to test it all out. However, there are some additional cool features that I was able to try out.

The GH3 has the ability to do multiple exposures in camera. While many cameras have this feature (my original Olympus E-P1 had it), the GH3 is the first that I’ve encountered that combines the multiple exposures into a RAW file. This can make for lower noise images if you’re on a tripod, as it will average noise out at higher ISOs, and it allows you to make some pretty creative compositions as well, while retaining the advantages of RAW shooting. While the stacking to reduce noise is of limited use, simply because if you’re on a tripod anyway you might as well just use a longer exposure, having RAW capability with multiple exposures is a really nice thing to have.

The GH3 has a built-in HDR mode that unfortunately does require you to use JPEG. The camera also has a built-in intervalometer for time lapse shooting. Some reports have shown this feature to be inexpertly implemented, with some odd timing issues, but Panasonic has promised a fix in a soon-to-be-released firmware update.

Next: Image Quality


16 responses to “Review: Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3”

  1. Libby Avatar

    It’s a great release Jordan and I appreciate your comments. I’m still making decisions on another m4/3 body, and the GH3 is in the running. The video crowd found a real gem in the little GH2, and Pansonic really brought it home for the cinema guys. Panasonic listened, and that’s part of the big difference here.

  2. lisandra Avatar

    beautiful samples here Jordan! DO you still have it? theres an option in the wireless flash menu that blew me away; full power wireless flash shooting! GOod read as always, the first sample blew my mind, its so surreal!

  3. Chuck Avatar

    I think you nailed this review. I have had a GH3 for three months and used it as a still camera constantly. Like you I am not much of a videographer and will probably never challenge it capabilities in that area. I also have an EM-5. I agree the images are for me impossible to tell apart and are the same to work in Lightroom. I find myself reaching for the GH3 more often because it fits my hand and the buttons fit my shooting style. The sized doesn’t bother me, because as you commented the system is smaller. I also like the swivel screen and controlling it from my iPhone. And I really like your accompanying images, especially, the winter tree.

  4. Wolfgang Lonien Avatar

    Yes, that winter tree is definitely a keeper. And thanks for the nice review as well.

  5. […]  Expect full reviews of the Fuji X-E1 and Panasonic GH3 in the coming weeks. Edit 3/2/13: My full review of the Panasonic GH3 is now […]

  6. bousozoku Avatar

    I’ve had a GH3 since Thursday. I’ve been using the Olympus E-1 since April 2004 and the E-5 since November 2011.

    I’ve been adapting to the GH3 through about 1000 wrestling and basketball photos I’ve taken this weekend. I find that the continuous auto focus is much better than the E-5’s. I have fewer shots to delete because of focus issues.

    My main problem with the GH3 is that the display is frozen while shooting, Whether this is just something for burst mode or not, I don’t know. I can still shoot, as I’ve found today, while the files are being written, but I have to guess where I’m going with the camera to get the shots.

    Where I would normally have been at ISO 1600 on the E-5, the auto ISO sensitivity functionality is generally choosing 3200 and the image quality is much, much better, also without the yellow-ish tinge but colour changes drastically when it chooses ISO 2000 or 2500 and looks yellow-ish.

    I was hoping for Olympus innards in a Panasonic body, but it works well enough and I’ll adapt to the miseries of the mirror-less world eventually. Now, if Olympus would just release some SHG zooms for micro Four-Thirds, I’d be set.

  7. david moreno Avatar
    david moreno

    Nice review,
    I used a panasonic gh2 for a long time, when i first saw the gh3 i thought it was too big for m4/3 and bough a omd, but now i use all the time the omd with the part one of the hdl grip attach. Please you have use the two cameras, its there a big different in size and weights between omd+part 1 grip and gh3?

    Thanks for the answer and for this really nice review

    1. Jordan Steele Avatar

      There is still a fairly decent size difference. The height is equalized (and the weight is darn close) when you add the horizontal grip to the OM-D, but the GH3 is still a fair bit wider, and the grip is bigger and more comfortable than the OM-D with horizontal grip. The biggest way you notice this is with a large diameter lens like the 35-100mm f/2.8. On the OM-D+grip, there’s not a ton of room between the lens and the grip, so you are slightly cramped. It’s still comfortable, but a little tight. There’s plenty of room, though with the GH3.

      The size of the GH3 is only a detriment when putting the camera in your bag, where it takes up a good amount of room. In hand, it feels fantastic.

  8. John Rappold Avatar

    Great review. I bought the grip because I shoot lots of timelapse and video. While it adds an even better feel when held in landscape mode, for me it is rather poor if you want to use it in portrait mode looking through the evf. The ergonomics don’t work because you have to hold the cam higher because of the evf position, and it makes the grip feel awkward. Also, with my heaviest lens (14-140mm) attached with the grip, the GH3 is fairly wieghty…not a huge deal since the grip will mostly be used when mounted on a tripod.

    Also, if anyone is wondering, the GH3 still has a remote input if you need to shoot with an external intervalometer or timelapse motion control system.

    The Gh3 is a great cam. For the price, it offers a much better build and tons more features than the $1500 (w/ kit lens) I paid for my D90 in 2008.

  9. Mark Smith Avatar
    Mark Smith

    A very good, objective review of a great camera. I was impressed to see that you are the only reviewer that noticed the problem which caused me to return my GH3: the SD card door opens with little energy. Both copies of GH3 that I tried had the same problem so I concluded that this was by design. The door routinely popped open when I’d put it in my holster. Since I use my cameras in the out of doors and in wet conditions, I couldn’t live with the problem. It was a difficult decision given that the GH3 had so many pluses.

  10. Steffen Moestrup Avatar
    Steffen Moestrup

    Great review. Thanks for that. I seriously consider purchasing a GH3 since I have both still and video needs in my job as a freelance journalist. However, do you know about the possibilities of using vintage lenses with the GH3? I have some Cosina lenses, for instance a macro 70-210 that was used on an Olympus OM 40 analogue – would that lens be usable with the GH3?

  11. […] Steffen Moestrup on Review: Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH3 […]

  12. Herbert H Avatar
    Herbert H

    Has anyone tried a prime lens with a Lumix? Either GH3 or older (I have G3). I know Panasonic and Olympus make great ones…but anyone try others (Nikon)? With an adapter? Any loss of features such as autofocus or video capture issues? Thanks!

  13. Stephen Davies Avatar

    Little late on this reply –
    You will lose autofocus and auto-aperture control with an adapted Nikon lens.
    You will have metering and auto-exposure capability in aperture priority mode (aperture set manually).
    I’m not sure what you mean by video capture issues.
    IQ is excellent, as good as the Nikon lens you are using, and you are using the sharpest, center portion of the lens.

    Hope this helps.
    Aloha, Stephen

  14. […] ways is a sort of ‘second flagship’ camera for Panasonic, which, along with the GH3 (reviewed here), is designed for enthusiasts and professionals who want a highly capable body in a small […]

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