Tag: fall
Fall Shooting in Ohio
Every October I try to take a least a day or two to go shooting and capture some of the fall colors. This year was tough due to some quite busy days at work, but I managed to get out a couple times towards the end of October. I make a trip up to Cleveland,…
Autumn in West Virginia
Well, it’s been a long time since my last post, and that’s mostly because I’ve been pretty swamped at my day job. I’ve had a fairly small amount of time to shoot in the past two months, and even less time to write. I do have a few more articles in the pipeline that are…
First Sign of Fall
While the leaves have not yet begun to turn in earnest yet, the occasional tree here and there is slowly changing color and dropping a few leaves. Spotted this partially turned leaf that had fallen into a puddle, creating a beautiful splash of color. This was taken with my Olympus OM-D E-M5 and the Voigtländer…
Fall Reflections
It’s fall, and the leaves are just starting to turn. You never know what you’re going to find after a gentle rain:
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