Month: April 2012
Ready for Launch!
This African Grey Parrot puffed up and I thought he was going to fly right at me. Maybe he had something against the big lens pointed at his face.
Lightroom 4.1’s Newest Great Feature
Lightroom has been getting more and more powerful. Lightroom 4.0 was just released a few months ago, and Adobe is nearly ready to push out the 4.1 update, which will be free to all Lightroom 4 owners. Usually these incremental updates contain new camera profiles, some bug fixes and a perhaps a tweak here and…
Olympus OM-D E-M5 Hands-On Preview
Today I got a chance for a brief time to handle Olympus’ new flagship Micro 4/3 camera, the E-M5, which is positioned in the brand new OM-D line, a callback to the OM system of the 1970s and 1980s. The new camera is styled in a very similar vein to those cameras, but is also…
More Wildlife…
Just thought I’d share a few more pictures from our wonderful zoo. I’m quite enjoying shooting with a long lens again, and the FD 50-300mm f/4.5L, while sometimes challenging due to having to use manual focus, is giving me the look I want with these. Just a few more samples for your enjoyment.
Samsung releases NX20, NX210 and NX1000
Today, Samsung expanded its line of mirrorless Compact System Cameras (CSC) with three new models, the NX20, NX210 and NX1000. All three feature a 20 Megapixel APS-C sensor and wi-fi connectivity, which could be very exciting. Aside from that, they differ a little. Unfortunately, the sensor is the same one used in the NX200, which…
A Sunday Trip to the Zoo
I took a trip to the Columbus Zoo with my daughter today. It was a beautiful day in Central Ohio, and I had a wonderful time with her, and enjoying photographing the animals. I brought my trusty (but heavy) Canon FD 50-300mm f/4.5L lens on my GH2. With the 2x crop factor of micro 4/3,…
Are you a Photographer or a Camera Enthusiast?
I was perusing the net at many oft visited Photography related websites, and came across this post on It basically shows some images of the upcoming Olympus 75mm f/1.8 lens for Micro 4/3. There was certainly nothing wrong with the post, but the comments on the post had me scratching my head. It wasn’t just…
A Shower of Sparks
Failing wheel bearing hub assembly? Check. Dremel with metal cutting wheel? Check. Tripod mounted long lens set far enough back to not be melted by flying sparks? Check.
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