Category: Photos

  • Chase the Light

    Chase the Light

    If you’re relatively new to photography, you often focus on the technical aspects: making sure that you know how all the camera settings affect the output and so on.  These things are critically important, but eventually become background knowledge as they become ingrained in your consciousness.  Then, you will often move to perfecting composition: finding that…

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  • Discovering New Places to Shoot

    I live in Ohio, and there are a lot of nice things about Ohio, but few would consider it a prime destination for landscape photography.  If you’ve come to this site for a while, you’ve gotten used to seeing shots from around Columbus, where I live, and places nearby.  Occasionally I’ll get to make a…

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  • Finding Time to Shoot (and write!)

    Finding Time to Shoot (and write!)

    If you’ve been a regular visitor to Admiring Light, you’ve probably noticed (and perhaps even been frustrated by) the lack of new articles over the past few months.  I apologize for that.  I’ve been absolutely swamped at my full-time job and have had less time than I’ve ever had for shooting and writing. I hope…

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  • A Visit to Florida

    A Visit to Florida

    So, I’ve been visiting family in Florida for the past few days, and while the primary purpose of the trip wasn’t photography, I had a bit of time to shoot. I decided to bring my Fuji kit on this trip, and it performed well, as expected.  I thought I’d share a few photos from the…

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  • Taking Advantage of the Cold

    Taking Advantage of the Cold

    We’re in the heart of winter right now, though here in Central Ohio, you’d be hard pressed to tell so far.  Only in the past few weeks have we experienced colder temperatures and some very light snowfall. For me, that’s been very disappointing.  Once the colorful leaves fall off the trees in November, I can’t…

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  • My Favorite Photos of 2015

    My Favorite Photos of 2015

    Every year I go back through the images I’ve taken and pick a selection of images that are my favorites from that year.  It helps to go through and see how my photography has progressed and to put a sort of ‘mini portfolio’ of the year together.  I’ve been really happy with the shots I’ve…

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  • A Trip to New York

    A Trip to New York

    As I’m sure you’ve all realized given the last eight posts, I was in New York over the past week for PhotoPlus Expo.  While I already posted some photos, I thought I’d share the collection of shots I managed to get throughout my time in New York.  It was a busy week, with show attendance…

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  • New York, New York

    New York, New York

    I’m in New York for Photo Plus Expo, and starting tomorrow, I’ll be bringing you all the news and hands-on reports I can from the show. (expect articles to start appearing in the mid to late afternoon).  I’m also going to try to get out to shoot a bit while I’m here, and I started…

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